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the candle light provided little illumination to saskia's bathroom ensuite, the door being closed with just enough distance to graze the towel she'd put down when corbyn was going to get out.

he choked up after telling his mother, just saying the words caused them to be more true than he wished for. no matter how many swallows and deep breaths he'd intake he couldn't get a grip on himself, needing saskia to help him focus and calm down.

now he was here, every-so-often water would slosh along with a slow movement, but besides that he was just in the silence of the bathroom. his wings weren't in the situation, though, they would probably fall asleep with his weight, including being pressed between the tub lining and his back.

corbyn's eyes were lidded over, breathing out slow with the mass of water flooded across his chest. anything past his chin was below the water, a few bubbles pooled to the edges of the tub, some clinging to his hand if it were raised to move.

the room held a gentle scent of lavender and vanilla, corbyn's mind warping a world of him in a coffee shop, content with daniel.


he swallowed, tongue darting out to run across his lips momentarily, i'm going to miss you.

a quick, shallow breath passed through his nose, quiet chuckle expressed. please, why did i even try? why did i confess? it's quite clear we aren't meant to be, you have your soulmate out there, i just know it. someone who's much more compatible, they shouldn't have to fight you for love, you should be able to love them upon the build of your relationship.

with the heaviness of his heart he grimaced, eyes slow when opening as he was met by the plain ceilings in a warm, yellow light. the way his neck bobbed with a swallow gave motion to waters below, hearing the trickle of its movement.

so help me, daniel, if you are not to find love after me i will personally fight you the next time i see you. unless your old, that is, which i would hope for.

maybe i won't fight you.

but i'll be incredibly upset if you've hung yourself up on me. no matter how much we've sculpted as time passes i'm afraid i'll have to crumple our works. you deserve better.

why am i not writing this down? i won't be able to say this to him in person, that's of certainty.

his hands reached out, gripped the tub siding and pulled his torso from the water suddenly. the air around clung to him, causing a shiver to run up his spine. yeah, i'm getting out now.

water dripped from his hair, droplets racing down his skin as he stood from the lukewarm waters, quick to wrap a towel around his waist and step over to the door with wet footprints in follow.

the light switch was flickered on, blinking momentarily before he turned back to blow out the candles. it took him a while to get used to such a flame, but saskia ensured that if they were to topple over anywhere the impact would quickly put them out, especially if they had fallen into the water.

so, that was the only time he used candles, really. if he did it was often placed in the middle of a table far from anything flammable, kept close eye onto and most likely blown out in under thirty minutes.

corbyn ruffled his hair with the towel, having put on sweatpants and a t-shirt, allowing for his wings to span out as he could feel the right press against the door.


he let go of the water, picking up the towels and entering an even colder climate than the bathroom, saskia glancing up from her book as ray released a loud snore beside her.

"feeling any better?" she leaned out, marking the page she was on as corbyn reached her side of the bed. the book was left in her lap, corbyn receiving a hug but only being able to return one hand across her back.

"yeah... thank you, momma. i love you."

"i love you too, hon. are you going to bed soon?" they pulled apart, corbyn glancing to the door as he shrugged, turning back.

"'m not sure yet."

saskia smiled at him, pulling him back for another hug and kissing his cheek, him reciprocating the action when she finished.

"that's for when you do, i'll probably nod off soon anyways." corbyn gave her a gentle smile at that, kissing her forehead and readjusting the towels in his hand.

"g'night, momma, i love you."

"i love you too, corby, try and get some sleep, yeah?" her hands found the book at her lap, finger grazing the side as pages tickled at the pad of her index.

"i'll try." he gave a sound similar to breathy laughter, short with a forced smile. then leaving the room with a stop to the laundry.

upon opening the door to his bedroom, he huffed, brows knitting as he poked his tongue out in momentary frustration.

what did i need to write down?

goodmorning angel
i'm assuming you haven't woke up yet, considering you weren't at the
window to wake me personally
6:57 am

since tomorrow's saturday we could plan something, if you'd like
or today
doesn't matter to me
im gonna let you sleep :)
7:33 am

corbyn woke up at ten.

he turned off his alarm before he went to bed, not wanting to face daniel yet and pretending he didn't see the messages when checking his phone.

saskia made him an omelette for breakfast, ruffling his bed-head once he sat at the island. "morning, sleepyhead. i figured you would be up by now, if not you would've got breakfast in bed."

he smiled small, the curve of his fork digging into his food as a cutting device, glancing back up at the following words from saskia.

"anything happen with daniel?"

his lips pursed to the side, jabbing the cheesy bite of egg before responding. "no, he messaged about another date but i may tell him that i was busy today... late to respond."

saskia frowned, taking a seat across from him. "be careful, honey, you don't know the depths of his mind, and he doesn't know yours. remember that, be gentle."

his brows furrowed small, "is it not a reasonable response, though? i could say you needed my help and postpone the date to tomorrow or something, right?" there was no doubt he was nervous about the entire situation, quickly popping more food into his mouth to quiet himself and slow whatever fast-pace his mind started.

"you can do what feels best, of course, just— please, try not to hurt him too much. we'll have to talk to mr.harrow, too, if you really do plan to quit on him."

corbyn's features grew solemn. it's not quitting, is it? he's gotten better, obviously, but he deserves more than what i can do.

instead of responding, corbyn gave a shallow nod and stuffed his mouth with far-too-big of an omelette piece, leaving the air to silence with quiet squeaks of their cutlery.

-this chapter is brought to yall by 2 hours of sleep and tim hortons donuts (:

-im on the way home today so hopefully i'll have more time to write again too

-ilyg! stay healthy! <3

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