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corbyn's breath was getting caught up, knowing those words had to be followed as his wings twitched a little, seeing the shock gracing daniel's features.

"for you to stand here and tell me i should just quit being a guardian, it's low, it's so low, daniel. at this point it's not just about keeping you alive! i need you here! i want to see you every day, living here."

"remember the day jenna came over? your bodies pressed together and i saw you both kissing, touching..." corbyn's face scrunched at the memory. "i passed a test that determined whether i could still be your guardian. i forgot about it, because of you, and i worked myself to death just to come down here and witness that."

corbyn began biting at his inner cheek. "i got the second highest grade, dani, all for you. i didn't train for it," he gave a dry laugh, "you were actually the reason i forgot about it."

"do you know how painful it was? coming to terms with the fact i even liked you, let alone how i know you'll never reciprocate it. it's pretty obvious, i mean, you've hated me since day one and jenna could sit in your lap in the first hours." his hand raised, sleeve roughly rubbing his nose and eyes to rid the mess of his emotions.

"me, telling you this? oh yeah, the stupidest mistake i'll ever make. but i suppose it doesn't matter to you. you're gonna walk out of here with no care as to who i am, it's how it always goes. we fight, we split, and i beat myself up for the entirety of it while you relax down here."


the blond froze as his head lifted, swallowing as his hands clasped together in an attempt to stop the trembling of them. his eyes were wet and it was clear he bit back tears. when daniel's hands cupped his cheeks, thumbs brushing across the tear stains his breath got caught up in his throat.

"you have no damn clue about the hell i went through without you around."

corbyn was practically silenced, flustered from the closeness of daniel as all the words he could muster up were simply slipping from his grasp. "i— i... um..."

daniel ignored the rude thoughts, almost as if corbyn was a barricade. he grinned small, shaking his head at the quiet stammering of the guardian before him.

"just shut up already."

corbyn's wings folded abruptly, bent at the crease in surprise as he could feel daniel's lips press onto his own. his eyes were blown wide, noticing how daniel's were closed made him even more nervous. what's happening? what do i do?

his body was pulled closer, hands stuck between their chests as he released a shaky breath and allowed his eyelids to sink. his hands moved, awkwardly resting at daniel's hip as he finally felt movement against his lips.

everything finally clocked in, heart aching to break from his chest as his wings started to flap from excitement. daniel pulled away at the sound and air brushing past his feet, glancing behind corbyn as the blond attempted to still himself.

corbyn's head lowered, face noticeably flourishing pink as his hands retracted from daniel's torso. he swallowed, crossing them over his chest with the prayers that his wings would calm.

"i thought this would've ended differently," he breathed out, lips parted in awe as he refused to make eye contact with daniel.

"are you upset it has ended this way?" daniel waited a moment. he shouldn't be, right?

corbyn's wings fluttered and he stomped his foot to the ground, feeling his heart beating at an abnormal rate. "no," he muttered, mind blank. "what was i saying?"

daniel shook his head, arms wrapping around corbyn as the guardian raised to his tip-toes for a more comfortable fit. "doesn't matter anymore," daniel swallowed, a smile reaching his face as corbyn's wings wrapped around him when his arms did. "i'm sorry for how poorly i've treated you..."

corbyn nodded with a pleased sigh, head landing on daniel's shoulder as he breathed in the quiet scent of cologne. his arms squeezed daniel a little tighter, a smile growing on his face.

"it's okay," his head lifted, meeting daniel's eyes as he frowned a little. "i think i was a little insensitive back there, you were obviously going through stuff too and for me to jus—"

corbyn was cut off with another kiss, quicker this time, more so a peck. his face began heating again as he pulled away, blinking as his head bounced from wall-to-wall. his head dove back to daniel's shoulder, knowing he couldn't be seen easily so he could hide his flustered actions from the taller.

"i told you to shut up about that." daniel huffed, one hand raising to ruffle corbyn's hair as he set him down on the ground.

corbyn's wings detached themselves from daniel, stepping back as he forced them to fold into his back. they wouldn't stop fluttering, and the fact that daniel was able to watch him struggle to hold in his excitement made him incredibly embarrassed.

"are you still mad?" he asked, hand reaching for the brunet's as daniel met him halfway, shaking his head for a no.

"let's head home, yeah?" daniel swung their hands a little, seeing the smile that grew on corbyn's face.


-the amount of comments i
got on the last chapter is crazy
thank you🥺🤧

-also i hope yall ready for some much needed dorbyn content

-stay hydrated! <3 ilya!

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