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corbyn had gone through numerous emotions in the last hour. the view of the party scared him, horridly, and he had to calm down instead of leaving the desk. i'm not letting daniel out of my sight.

seeing how jenna treated daniel caused pure anger to rush in corbyn's veins, before realizing how daniel must have felt, which caused his heart to sink.

daniel handled the situation well, though, but when corbyn saw him slam the car door he knew there was a much larger storm swirling inside the brunet.

to top of corbyn's emotional rollercoaster that night, panic set in as he watched daniel raise over the speed limit in a rage. he jumped up from his chair, running to the closet as his neck craned to see the desk. it was no use, so he grabbed a random pair of sneakers and ran back to the computer chair.

it was pretty clear for corbyn where daniel was headed, and he huffed in annoyance as his ankle wouldn't jam into the sneaker. untying it would make him have to tie it again, taking even more time than necessary.

finally, both sneakers were on, and he took a final glance to the desk before grabbing a sweater and bolting out the door. i wish you'd slow down.

"i'll be back!"

the door slammed behind corbyn, and his face scrunched at the loudness. but there wasn't much time to waste. if he could monitor daniel from a closer distance, it was easier to save him in any possible accident. i'm not letting you go, seavey.

he ran as fast as he could, finally having the gates in view. for once he'd been thankful that they were so close to his father's job.

corbyn hurried, running through the gates of heaven as he waved at a familiar guard. his wings spanned out, diving from the clouds as the wind ruffled his clothes and hair. i'm coming, daniel, just you wait.

daniel pulled into his driveway messily, having calmed down a little from the reckless driving as he released a breath, allowing his head to loll against the cushion of his seat. his hands gripped the wheel tighter, just for a moment, before the right one removed itself and beat into the horn.


the brunet was filled to the brim, close to overflowing. horrid thoughts pierced him left and right and everything around him seemed far too loud. he was alone, though. in the quiet of himself. i'm not staying here.

when clambering out of the car he slammed the door behind him, grimacing before he scoffed. with a glance down the road, he set off, picking up pace immediately. it's too loud, too overwhelming.

corbyn landed on daniel's roof minutes later, struggling as he hauled open the window and stuck his head in. "daniel?"

if he wasn't in there, he'd be in the kitchen, but the whole house was dark. he's not here.

from decency, corbyn closed the window again and climbed onto the roof. the only other thought of his was that daniel was going to the bridge. what if he's not? what if i can't find him on time?

at least he isn't in his car anymore...

a silhouette could be seen through the darkened trail, corbyn standing on the bridge nervously as his arms were pressed to his chest. if that's not daniel i'm screwed.

he was leaning back and forth, rolling on the balls of his feet as he could slowly begin to make out the features of the male, sighing in relief.


daniel stopped in his tracks, squinting as his brows furrowed. "what are you doing here?"

the blond in question was stuck. i didn't prepare for that.

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