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corbyn woke up earlier than daniel, thankfully, since it was quickly realized that they'd changed positions and his wings were falling asleep beneath his own weight. not to mention how the ends were close to peaking out of the blanket, where he shuffled in closer to daniel's chest and attempted to flap his wings.

this caused his knees to crunch up, hands balling into fists at seemingly endless tickling from the feathered appendages. one motion caused his right wing to slap onto daniel's nightstand, sending a wave of the prickling feeling into the rest of his body.

daniel's eyes squinted open at the sound of the thud, feeling corbyn's body squirm as his hands met around the angel's waist. he tightened his grip, thinking it was a bad dream of sorts.

corbyn's wing fell back to the original position, causing his back to shortly arch momentarily. daniel was growing to be more awakened without any of his knowledge, so the brunet simply turned onto his back and dragged the angel to lay on his chest.

"go back to sleep..." he muttered, eyes opening to find corbyn's face scrunched up. he shuddered as his wing folded, neck craning a little. usually this would pan out to be longer, but he wanted it done and over with so he'd been putting himself through the worst of it.

"sleepy wings," corbyn answered the unasked question, head falling to daniel's chest as he could see the blue irises from his peripheral. "sorry. we have thirty minutes 'til you have to get ready..."

daniel's hands moved, crossing over each other as his pointer and thumb altered between tracing lines at the base of corbyn's wings. it was identified to be the shape of x's, feeling corbyn's shoulder blades pull together as his chest pressed even more to daniel's. he'd gotten used to the motion soon after, helping as he could fold his wings up without much sensitivity anymore.

"thank you. sorry." his arms lapsed over themselves, head nuzzling into them as daniel continued his small movements since he'd already been awake.

"no need to apologize, you couldn't control it," he smiled small as corbyn's eyes lidded halfway, glancing at the clock. "we can either lay here until my alarm goes off or we can get an early start, what d'you say, angel?"

daniel got to school a little earlier than he would usually, corbyn helped him make a proper breakfast before he was given a kiss goodbye until later on.

jenna simply walked past him today, another hand in hers, some random guy that certainly didn't accompany her at the party. he shrugged, taking the books for history from his locker and proceeding to head in the same direction.

it wasn't surprising when they steered off in the direction of a janitor's closet, rolling his eyes at their fastening pace. horny bastards.

although, the general reaction of jonah was quite surprised when daniel stepped into the classroom, nodding toward them before he turned to the teacher's desk, grateful that she was early for once.

"hi, miss. i finished some of the work but i probably missed more than expected..." his hand raised to the back of his neck, nails denting the skin with crescent shapes as silent curses for missing so much.

"oh, no worries. i've kept extra copies of the work, i'm sure you'll be able to get notes from someone. if not, though, don't hesitate to tell me, i can always squeeze you in during a break period." she began shuffling through drawers, paper by paper stacking into her hands. daniel always liked her, really, she was understanding with everybody. (plus, she never gave him late slips no matter how much of the period he'd missed.)

"okay, that should be all of it, sorry if i missed a few. you can go take a seat, we're starting on page sixteen." she gave him a warm smile as the papers were passed over, him returning it as he nodded with a muttered 'thank you'.

his steps were somewhat stifled, long and slow as he neared his friends. can i even call them that? zach's head raised, followed by jack and jonah as he came to a stop.

"uhm, is it okay if i sit here?"

the younger brunet nodded hastily, "yeah, yeah. go ahead." so, daniel sat down awkwardly as he dropped his bag to the floor, meeting eyes with jonah as he swallowed.

"i can explain, promise. i just need you to give me your time."

jonah's lips pursed at the words, obviously curious as his head dipped a smaller nod to daniel. "lunch?"

so daniel returned the gesture, facing the front of the room as the teacher stood from her seat to begin teaching. "good morning, class..."

lunch came by far too quick, daniel walking behind the trio as his gaze was locked upon his feet. i actually need to open up to them... fuck.

they took him to the usual park spot, jack's brows furrowing at the empty parking space. "where's your car?" his head turned back, fixing the vision on to daniel, who's hands found themselves while his thumbs fiddled.

"i uhm— didn't park it around... would've been awkward if you guys didn't take me back, y'know?"

jonah's expression was unreadable, watching as zach dropped his bag to the concrete and sat down. jack smiled, following suit beside him.

daniel's lips curled, seeing zach give a welcoming pat to the ground. "what's the point of leaving you standing?"

that line caused him to plop down across from the younger, mouthing 'thank you' before his grin faltered. c'mon, daniel, they let you sit down, they're still your friends.

it was obvious jonah was reluctant, but he sat beside daniel and it felt as if all eyes dropped to the 'stranger'.

"where to start... uhm..." he started with easter break, mentioning the problem with depression, the psych ward, and so on. their general gleeful expressions dropped as the story continued, and he managed to keep corbyn a secret throughout the entirety.

pure regret crossed jonah's features when hearing the situation of daniel, punching him in the arm when the story was done. (lightly, of course.)

"you're only telling us now? you almost died dumbass!"

daniel swallowed, a small smile of apology sent in jonah's direction. "i mean, i could've kept it to myself if it weren't for you to blowup on me." a punch was delivered to jonah's forearm, watching the eldest roll his eyes.

"that's not exactly something to keep to yourself, you ass..." his playful demeanour crumbled. "how come you didn't say sooner?"

daniel's head ducked, eyes dancing over his pants as his tongue darted to wer his lips. "everybody else came back from easter break all smiley with their stories of the cruise they went on, you really think i'm gonna stroll in flaunting a mental illness like it's some medallion? i didn't want anybody to know, like, ever. but, here we are."

jack moved the packaging from his lap, presumably his lunch, scooting as close to daniel as he could before his arms came together and he threw himself at daniel, probably the most awkward hug he'd ever given.

daniel laughed as jack's cheek pressed to his shoulder, hands raising as he held the arm to his chest in some way to return the hug. it wasn't long before zach, too, flung himself at the brunet. this left jonah to completely topple them into the concrete, doubling over in laughter.

i'm glad to have them back.

-i know ive been gone but i'd like to announce that i fell off my bike when i was learning to ride (knees and hands scuffed up so i couldnt write very well until my hands figured out wth was going on)

-yall deserved a double update anyways (also i know these are pretty boring but dwdw i'll pull through soon)

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