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daniel groaned, eyelashes glued by sleep as his hand raised above his head, stretching. he breathed out slowly, feeling content with the silence and the ease of his muscles as his legs began to stretch themselves.

his phone buzzed on the table as he sighed, hands rubbing at his eyes to assist in waking up before the right reached blindly for his phone.

u busy today?

the brunet blinked a few times, sight adjusting yet feeling as bewilderment washed over him. what does he want to do with me?

no, not really
how come?

jo's having a party later
i wanted to see if u'd come

• • •   

daniel's mind began to wonder whether he should go or not. what if this is all a trick? what if they still hate me? who am i kidding, jonah definitely does.

no matter what was written into the keyboard daniel deleted it, not wanting to come off as rude.

u can bring jenna if u want

that was a little suspicious, considering they interrogated him and warned of how bad a person she was. his lips pursed to the side, brows knitting with conflict.

i'll think about it
what time?

starts 9:30
ends whenever
hope to see u there

daniel powered his phone off, turning over in his bed as the device was pocketed and he swung his legs over the bedside. he was sluggish, but he hoped that it'd be gone when he woke up more. his head turned, scanning the room before he made a double take on the clock. 3:28

wait, what?
how long was i up last night?

the gauze around his wrist was noticeably loose as he stepped into the bathroom, frowning a little as the sleeve was lifted. he unravelled the wrap, seeing the stains of red and pink as the gauze was rolled from his skin.

the brunet cringed a little, feeling his heart drop at the sight of the wound. fuck, corbyn.

although, another part of his mind counteracted. he doesn't care. he would've showed up.

daniel's expression had noticeably dropped, eyes lidded as he rolled up his sleeves with a sigh. cold water spout onto his palms, and he leaned down to the sink and splashed himself.

that was practically for nothing, though, since it was intended to wake him up a little. as soon as he entered his room he plopped back onto the bed again, breathing out heavily. with the last of his motivation, his hand pulled the phone from his pocket, shooting a text to jenna.

party at 9:30, wanna go?

with that, he shrugged and left the phone beside him, allowing his body to relax as his eyes drooped. i'll get up on time.

daniel woke up to jenna barging through the door, unintentionally, of course. she was just loud. "seavey? you've gotta be kidding me."

he blinked slowly, head lifting in confusion as he felt a slap to the back of his head. "wake up! i thought you'd already be good to go."

"what time is it?" he muttered, flipping to look at her. jenna's dress, in his opinion, was dangerously short. her breasts could fall out the top and vice-versa for her bottom half. she's putting a lot of trust in that...

"nine-thirty, dumbass, it's gonna take a while to get there."

"how'd you get here?" he sat up, shaking his head as his hands reached for her hips when he stood, moving her to the side.

"walked. i'm leaving my shoes in your car when we get there." her tone made it seem as if daniel should know these things off-the-bat.

the brunet nodded, not fully caring for what she said. his closet doors were already hauled open, and he just pulled a shirt from the rack with a shrug and picked up some random pair of jeans.

"no, you are not wearing that," she snatched it from his hands. "do you not know what fashion is?"

i do, but i don't care. i just woke up, give me a damn minute.

jenna poked through his pants first, prodding a black pair into his chest as his hands slapped against it so they wouldn't fall. only in seconds had she found another shirt, and spun him around for the bathroom. "get changed, brush your teeth, we need to get a move on."

and so he did.

-vee missed these yesterday so
you know i had to do it to em 😌

-but yes this chapter kinda short
a lil irrelevant  but more to come dw

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