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daniel blinked tiredly at the reflection in the mirror, a disgusted frown given by his lips. i look horrible...

more days had passed, and he couldn't remember the last time an antidepressant was consumed. many papers still scattered his desk and floors, he didn't have motivation to do much.

it was already draining for him to get a shower on time, let alone getting ready and looking decent and having to actually talk to people today.

his hands dragged down his face with a quiet groan, soon reaching for the tie on the counter before shrugging. i don't need it, do i?

he was currently getting ready for a date, one in particular that involved jenna. it was clear she only stepped foot near the seavey's for daniel's body, but he was determined to prove jonah wrong. she's a good person.

the plan was to take jenna to a quiet café down the road, one he didn't share with many people besides jonah, jack, or zach. it was a rash decision, of course, but there wasn't anywhere else he could think of. there was only the hope that she wouldn't tell her friends.

as daniel tousled his hair and sprayed an over-scented cologne across his collar, it was knowledgeable that he looked decent. the final struggle was to figure out if he should button his shirt the entire way or not.

jenna snaked up against the doorframe to his bathroom, shocking him for the moment as he turned with a dry laugh. "god, jen, don't scare me like that."

her eyes flickered from his lips to the buttons he'd been working on, eyes igniting with interest as her heels clicked on the tiled floor.

"why're you buttoning this?" her hands brushed up his body, thumbs feeling the divots of his abdomen before they rose to open his shirt. three buttons were undone, his chest exposed as he was pressed back to the sink.

his hands met the countertop, eyes darting all over jenna's movements as she leaned in to kiss his jaw. daniel was uncomfortable, truly, having just left his bed to finally ring up courage and go outside and be met with this instead.

"how about we stay here?"

her whisper was the final thing heard before daniel reciprocated the actions she was giving, taking lead into the bedroom.

his breath was calmed, body stiff as there was a nestle into his breast. the blankets covering their bodies were suffocating him, but he couldn't bring it to himself to move. she's comfortable.

he swallowed, eyes squeezing shut as if he could stop the overbearing thoughts that continued the longer he laid beside jenna. naked, to make it worse.

no matter how many times their bodies brushed together the act was obvious to him. he wasn't happy doing this, he never would be. but in his mind she was, and he didn't want to make it awkward. she's all i have left, jonah made it quite clear for me to sort out my head, and i haven't done that yet.

the time was unreadable but there was a good guess that it was nearing twelve. by now, he'd probably be struggling to sleep. while this was still occurring, it was much different to have someone at your side. daniel couldn't toss and turn or groan and rot, he had to stay still due to the body snoozing cozily just at his left.

so, with a final awkward movement, daniel laid still with his arm falling asleep beneath jenna's torso. his body sunk into the mattress, eyes closed with no intent of sleep.

this is a nightmare.

corbyn was finally freed into his room, ashley reluctantly allowing him to go as he claimed he wanted to draw. which he did, that was true, but his desk still displayed daniel, and his heart clawed at his chest upon seeing the way jenna's body pressed to his.

his angle was awkward, but it was obvious they'd done something due to the bra on daniel's nightstand, the sleeveless arms with jenna's collar visible.

corbyn swallowed, raising a brow as his eyes shut with a sigh. he's missing out, remember that. you can't hurt yourself to heal others.

his hand reached blindly for the button that removed the heartbreaking sight, and he frowned as he heard the click. just draw, everything will be fine.

so, corbyn dug through his desk for a pencil and paper and allowed his hand to guide him freely across the plain sheet. his lower lip was brought in by the top row of teeth, tongue poking out from time to time in focus.

he hadn't gotten far with the act, no matter how much art spoke to him as soon as an eye was sketched onto the paper he identified it easily. daniel.

ashley didn't want him to worry about daniel, as it was obviously diminishing his mental health. so, he stuffed the paper into a random drawer and took out another sheet, having nothing on his mind but the brunet boy.

even without seeing you you're still in my every thought...

corbyn huffed a little, seeing as the clock neared 12:30 with a small shrug before rolling the chair over to his closet and standing from it to grab a thick sweater.

just before he went downstairs, he grabbed a pillow from his bed and a blanket from the closet in the hallway, ensuring that the door to his room was closed to mimic that he'd been in there. the final challenge was stairs, debating whether to be quick or slow as they would creak either way.

the blond, after little difficulty, finally found himself outside, unfolding the blanket and splaying it out on the ground before him. the pillow was tossed down before he followed suit, shoulders wiggling to get comfortable.

he didn't have his wings out, although there wasn't much need to have them away, either. his arms locked behind his head and his eyes lifted to the sky above, dancing over each little speck that illuminated the sky.

there was always peace in the sky, no matter the weather. thunderstorms were comforting, reminding corbyn that things will pass, and there wasn't much benefit to dwell and cause trouble to the brain. the sun always gave him happier thoughts, and the moon was calming.

since the stars connected so many universes, they could always keep corbyn's mind on track because he knew that many things were happening that were much more larger then his own, smaller problems. it was almost as if the simplest of starry skies could shrink his worries, which was why he'd taken the time to learn about constellations in the first place.

corbyn took a deep breath, releasing it into the quieted surroundings with a small smile. everything's okay. you're gonna be just fine.

-this is kinda a filler but trust me
i can't just throw the climax at y'all it needs to build🤧

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