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corbyn was dressed in a suit and tie, constantly wiping sweat from his neck and hairline. no matter how many times his tie was adjusted and he told himself he looked good, he was horribly fearful that he'd overdressed.

so, instead of torturing himself, he called in ashley, who was told about the outing that morning.

"you look fantastic, trust me, daniel's gonna be speechless," her hands were clamped onto his shoulders, brushing them off as he straightened out the suit once more. "you could always call him, y'know, just to make sure. but i think you look amazing."

the guardian swallowed, rolling his shoulders back with a weary look to the mirror. "i— i'm gonna call, yeah... no..?"

he wiped his hands on his duvet, tongue darting out to wet his lips. why am i so nervous? it's only daniel.

then again, daniel could wear a trash bag and have me stammering...

"i'm gonna grab a snack, you decide if you're gonna call lover boy, yeah?" she patted his forearm, soon skipping out of the room with a wink and a thumbs up given from the doorway. then she was gone.

corbyn's thumbs hovered over the call button, eyes darting across daniel's contact as his chest rose with the intake of large breaths. calm down, it's only daniel. you're fine.

the sudden rings emerging from his phone caused corbyn to jump and toss it onto the bed. "why did i do that? i'm so stupid, oh my god, what even made me—"


the blond boy swallowed, hand reaching for his collar to tug it out a little. this suit is quite suffocating.

"hi... um, hi dani." his hands became jittery, eyes locked on the moving image of daniel's face. his collarbone was exposed, clicking in corbyn's mind that he was probably shirtless.

"what's up, angel? you okay?" daniel's person became pixelated, glitchy with the audio remaining. corbyn's eyes rose to the ceiling and he attempted to calm down with controlled breathing.

"uhm... i'm sorry, but—" his tongue pressed to his teeth, not wanting to say the words. what kind of person can't just get ready for a date? my gosh... "i need help."

daniel sighed in relief, laughing quietly as he came back into view. "i got scared for a second, corbs. what's up?"

"i, uh— i put on a suit. is that bad?" his neck grew warm, swallowing once more. glancing at himself in the mirror, he nodded, wanting to give confidence no matter how little he had.

"lemme see."

corbyn's face finally appeared in the call, daniel watching as it lifted to look at the surroundings. he was carried over by a few steps, seeing as corbyn placed him down somewhere, propped against something.

watching as he stepped back, hands clasped nervously, daniel's featured graced a smile and his vision flickered across the suited boy.

he's gorgeous. his hair was still fluffy, strewn across his forehead. the suit was plain black, his dress shirt peaking out with the white. daniel couldn't exactly see his shoes, but he knew the boy well enough to say that corbyn probably wasn't wearing sneakers.

"am i overdressed?" corbyn's foot tapped onto the floor, eyes boring into the phone as he could only see part of daniel's expression. he'd become restless from the nerves that run marathons in his body. please, say something already.

"not at all, beauty. you look stunning."

although he probably could've expected something along those words, corbyn could feel his face warm up with the dusting of pink that faded down to his neck. he didn't raise his head to respond, feeling his lips waver into a sheepish smile.

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