Where We Begin

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"(Y/n)!!!" someone called in a Spanish accent. You could only faintly hear it. The voice was strained, like it was trying to tell you something important. Nonetheless, you knew who the voice belonged to. Your husband of six years, Antonio.

"(Y/n)!!" he called again. You could hear and almost feel the running footsteps coming towards you. You felt a pair of arms lift your head up and out of the pool of blood it was in. A hand brushed some gravel off your face as you heard the sirens blaring. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Please, please don't leave me, mi amor."

You could hear the sirens getting closer. And that was when you blacked out.


You woke up to the steady beat of a heart-rate monitor. Almost as soon as you woke up, a doctor and two nurses had already entered your room. You didn't know why you were here. And why did your head hurt so bad? And why was your left leg in a cast?

"What's going on? Why am I here?" you asked.

One of the nurses turned to you and back to the doctor. "It's just as we thought. She doesn't remember."

"WHAT?! What do you mean I 'don't remember'?! Am I okay? Am I gonna die?!" you began to freak out. Your voice cracked.

"No, Mrs. Carriedo, you seem t-"

You cut the doctor off by saying, "My last name isn't Carriedo. And I'm not a Mrs. I'm not married."

"It could be worse than we thought," the other nurse said quietly.

"She doesn't remember her own husband."

"Then what about her children?' asked the other nurse.

"What are you people talking about?! I'm not married and I definitely DO NOT have ANY children!" you exclaimed. You were getting angry now.

"Mrs. Carriedo, I want you to take a look at this and see if it triggers any memories," a nurse said handing you a silver band with a small diamond in the middle and an opal on either side of the diamond.

You didn't feel anything click in the back of your mind. It was just a wedding ring to you. It did look almost familiar, but you weren't sure. It was beautiful, though. It was totally your style. But wouldn't you remember if you had been married?"

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now