Chapter 38

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A few months later

"For once in your life can you care about someone who isn't yourself?" Her voice cold on the phone, "I get they are hurt but that won't change the fact that it happened, Chris and I have a daughter, they have a granddaughter, one that is dying to have some sort of relationship with them, it's not her fault."

Scarlett was on the phone with her older brother, Adrian, trying to convince him to tell her parents, who have been promptly ignoring her, to come to Christmas. Adrian, while upset with his sister, had agreed because he wanted to get to know Nicole, the only problem was convincing their parents.

"I am thinking about others Scarlett, they are in pain too." He spits right back at her. "Wouldn't want Christmas to be ruined now would we?"

"Ruin it? I am doing nothing of the sort." She hissed. "It's been months Adrian they won't so much as answer their phone, if I try to go see them they aren't home it's ridiculous."

"What did you expect Scarlett? Warm welcomes? Because you kept a secret from them for thirteen years."

"Are you taking there side?"

"I am not taking anyone sides Scarlett." he sighed. "I just think that it's ridiculous for you to be so mad-"

"I have to go."


"Goodbye, just forget about Christmas, Chris and I will have a great Christmas with his family, hunter Chris, and Vanessa." She said. "Just like we did for the fourth of July, Halloween, and Thanksgiving." She hung up the phone and fell backward on the bed she was currently on.

"Are you okay?" Chris's voice filled Scarlett's ears as she laid on his bed with her hands over his face.

"Why are they still angry Chris? They won't even talk to me. Your parents didn't act like this." She muttered as Chris sat on the bed rubbing her leg.

"They are a bit hurt babe, it's kind of a hard thing to process." He said softly.

"Doesn't change the fact that they could come to talk to me." She quickly said.

"You didn't talk to them." he pointed out.

"Don't pin this on me, Chris, you and I both agreed-"

"I know I know. I am not. Just give them time." he said. "Things will get better. Now get up," he said.

"Why?" She complained as Chris reached for her hands to pull her up from her bed. "I don't want to go anywhere, I want to stay in bed, where nothing bad can happen. If I get out of bed something bad can happen but if I leave. Plus it's comfortable."

"Nope, you gotta get up, with only a few days to go we need to Christmas shopping- what are you doing?" He asked when he saw her crawl back under the blanket.

"Too cold."

"Scarlett it's LA, it's 70 degrees outside." He said.

"I don't want to get up," She said peeking out of the blanket.

"What's the matter? Why don't you wanna go Christmas shopping? If we don't get it done now than we- Oh My Gosh you didn't."

"I am sorry. Don't be mad, look at how cute I am acting."

"You went Christmas shopping without me?" He asked. "Scarlett we agreed to do this together." he sighed. "What did you buy?"

"Don't blame me. Blame the salesman, he kept showing me cool accessories and things that Nicole would love and I had to get them. It's our first Christmas with her, I was excited!" She said. "I am sorry." she gave him frown with big eyes.

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