Chapter 07

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You sneaked a peek at the message for the tenth time since you had gotten back from the cafe.

You had been so surprised when you first got it that you had stared at it for a minute straight.

"Hey babe I love to party all night long ৲( ᵒ ૩ᵕ )৴♡*৹"

Ushijima's reply had been so unexpected and so not like him, that you checked three times that he was really the sender.


That was so unlike anything he would say. You didn't think he even knew enough English to use slang like that.

Partying did not seem like something he'd do either, let alone 'all night long' whatever that was supposed to imply.

Ushijima had never used emoji in the weeks you had been chatting with him, he barely used any punctuation, besides a full stop. So why would he suddenly start doing that? And an elaborate one at that, not just a simple smiley face.

The whole message had you baffled and in the end, you could come to only one conclusion. 'He must have been drunk.'

You did not expect Ushijima to drink a lot, he seemed pretty straight-laced, but it was the only logical explanation you could come up with.

Now that you had convinced yourself you were dealing with a drunk Ushijima, you started thinking about what you should reply. If you even should reply at all.

'Are you alright?' Sounded a little bit insulting.

'Are you drunk?'  Would be very insulting if he wasn't.

'Are you alone?' Sounded like you might be insinuating something.

In the end, you decided to go with: 'Are you out with friends?'

Even though it had taken you a while to send the message, you got an answer immediately.

'Yeah but they're boring (๑◕︵◕๑)'

Again with the emoji.

'Where are you?' You decided to ask, hoping to get a little more clarity.

'Karaoke, I wish you were here ٩(♡ε♡ )۶'

Was he... Flirting with you? Your face flushed at the thought.

~~ Thirty minutes earlier, on the other side of the world.

Tendou watched as Ushijima took his coat and left the booth. It was not unusual for him to leave early for their get-togethers, since he always woke up at ungodly hours in the morning.

He did not like it, however, since they only got together with some of their former teammates once every two months or so.

Miffed, he turned his attention back to the karaoke party they were having with former and current friends alike.

It was around 15 minutes later that a 'ping' caught both his and Oikawa's attention.

Oikawa turned to him. "Waka-chan forgot his phone."

When Tendou reached forward to grab said phone his eye fell on the Line notification. "Did you know Wakatoshi has someone teaching him English for when you're going to Europe next year?"

Oikawa got a smug look on his face. "Did you know the person teaching him English is in fact a cute girl?"

This really got Tendou's attention. "Really now?" He said and took a closer look at the Line notification. The message was in fact sent by said 'cute girl'.

"What do you like to do in your free time, besides volleyball?" He read out loud.

"Satori, your English could use some brushing up as well." Oikawa remarked but was completely ignored by Tendou.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said with a mischievous smile.

"Reply to her messages to mess with him?" Oikawa responded gleefully to which Tendou eagerly nodded.

Tendou typed up a reply so fast Oikawa didn't have any time to pitch in.

"Let me do the next one Satori." He commanded, to which Tendou reluctantly gave him the phone.

They stared at the phone for a while, waiting for your reply. Oikawa was just about to put the phone back on the table when the familiar 'ping' sounded.

"Read it!" Tendou practically yelled.

"Are you out with friends?" Oikawa read your reply out loud.

He had barely typed up his reply and sent it when Tendou snatched the phone back.

"Where are you?" He read the next message to Oikawa.

"What did you tell her?" Oikawa asked and Tendou was about to let him read the message when the door to their karaoke booth opened and Ushijima walked in.

"Did I leave my phone?" He asked around and Tendou quickly jammed the phone in his pocket. Then he got up and walked up to Ushijima.

"You shouldn't have come back Wakatoshi, I could've given it to you when I returned to the dorm." He said casually and pulled the phone from his pocket.

"Thanks." Ushijima replied, short as ever, and with that, he was gone again.

"Phew. That was close." Tendou sighed as he sat back down in his seat.

He's going to know you messed with her as soon as he opens Line." Oikawa remarked casually.

"We messed with her." Tendou defended himself.

"You were the only one that touched his phone, as far as he knows." Oikawa cackled. "He'll just think you're making excuses if you put the blame on me. He's gonna eat you alive!"

Tendou groaned and wondered if he could switch rooms or dorms. Maybe he should move to the other side of the country. The weather was warmer in the south anyway...

~~ Back on your side of the globe

By the time work had ended you had not been able to send a reply to Ushijima's last message. You simply didn't know what to say.

He had not sent any messages anymore either, so you started to worry if he was angry with you for not saying anything back.

When you came home, you popped some leftovers from the day before into your microwave for dinner. When it was done you took your plate and nestled into your couch to watch the newest episode of your favorite anime that was currently airing.

Right at the end of the episode, when things got super tense, someone called you on your phone. You ignored the call at first, but they called you right back.

Annoyed you put your episode, which had only one minute left, on pause and took your phone out of your pocket.

Wakatoshi was video calling you again. All at once, you remembered the weird messages he had been sending you and you doubted if you should answer...

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