Chapter 67

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After Valentine, you had exactly two weeks and two days left before you had your flight back home on Wednesday, the second of March. During your research into getting a visa, you had found out that there was an informative morning planned that same week on Monday. It was all about how to get the different types of visas, increasing your chances of getting accepted, and what to do once you started living in Japan.

You really wanted to go, and you were pretty sure Wakatoshi would encourage it as well, only it was in Tokyo. Which meant you would have to go to Tokyo on Monday just to go back Tuesday evening to catch your morning flight on Wednesday.

However you twisted and turned it, it just didn't make sense to return to Sendai in between. That meant you would have to say goodbye to Wakatoshi two days sooner than you had both originally had thought.

Your mind wandered back to the other types of visa available, specifically the one that seemed like the easiest way out: the spouse visa.

You realized that it wasn't as easy as just getting married and picking up your visa, but at least you didn't have to meet any crazy academic or professional requirements.

On the other hand, you would have to make one of the biggest commitments in your life to a man you had known in person for not even three whole months. You had spent more time with each other than you had ever dared to dream by living with each other, but there was still so much to learn about the other. There were still so many things to experience together and so many things still left to discover.

While you loved him very much, you were sure that you were not ready to take a big leap like that. If you got a working or a student visa, at least it would be easy to head back to your own country should things not work out between the two of you after all.

And even should you be willing to go for it, you had no idea what his thoughts about the matter were. Sure he could be impulsive now and again, but he was also realistic and logical and you didn't think he was likely to go along with it.

So for now the student or working visas were your only options.

As soon as you got an opportunity, you talked to Wakatoshi about wanting to go to Tokyo two days early to learn more about the visas. He didn't hide his disappointment, but encouraged you to go anyway. 

"If there's a chance you can learn of a way to be able to get it sooner than three years, it's worth it." Were the words he used to convince both you and himself.

The days had never passed faster than those two final weeks. You found it hard to believe that this was the same amount of time you had spent trekking around Japan with Marie. In the last week you found that you had a difficult time letting Wakatoshi go for his morning runs and in the end, he skipped them altogether to sleep in with you.

That might probably be the thing you would miss most of all, waking up to him telling you 'good morning' with that deep voice of his. You even considered recording it and setting it as your alarm, but decided that would be borderline creepy and that wasn't even taking into account that your roommate would be hearing it too, so that idea was discarded as soon as you thought of it.

You threw a going away karaoke party in the middle of your last week and invited Tendou, Noya, Hyakuzawa, and some of the other guys. Tendou's girlfriend and Selena were there as well and you realized how many friends you had made in the last two months.

They weren't as close to you as Wakatoshi or Marie, but they were people who cared about you and who you could turn to if you ever found yourself in trouble. You exchanged Line contact information with those you hadn't yet and told them about your plans to get a working visa, about which everyone was enthusiastic.

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