Chapter 34

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That night you had trouble falling asleep. Japan had won their semi finals match today, which meant that tomorrow they would play the finals against Italy.

Tomorrow was also the day that you had planned to give Wakatoshi his birthday gift. The only problem was, you were having second thoughts.

While you hadn't really had a lot of doubts at the time and Tendou had given his seal of approval, now you were not so sure anymore. Maybe you should have just gone with something volleyball related after all...

And then, of course, there was the dress. You knew that you would be having second thoughts about wearing it even before you had made the purchase. You wondered what had possessed you to spend the money on something you knew you would not be comfortable wearing.

But actually, if you were really honest with yourself, you knew why you did it. It was the same reason that you were hesitant to give him the wristband.

It was because somewhere along the line you had started to care about what he thought about you. You had bought the dress because Tendou told you he would like it. You were hesitant to wear it because you didn't want him to think you looked weird or ugly.

You had second thoughts about your gift because you wanted him to like it. You wanted him to wear it and think of you when he did. You wanted him to cherish it.

You wanted Wakatoshi to cherish you.

And that scared the hell out of you. The whole reason you had looked for a friend on the other side of the world was to avoid the whole 'getting attached' business.

What if he rejected your gift? What if he rejected you?

What if you got tired of him? Like what had happened with your friends from high school?

Would you one day stop answering his messages? Would he yours?

It was around 4 am when sleep finally found you after sending a message to Marie, hoping she would finally reply and help you out.

The next day, it was already close to noon when you woke up. There was a message on Line from Tendou asking you when you were planning on going to the stadium, but unfortunately no message from Marie to help you with your current crisis.

While you had managed to compose yourself for the most part, you were still in a big dilemma about the dress. 

In the end you decided to just wear the damn thing and told Tendou you would meet him in the stands, as you planned to arrive just before Japan's match would begin. The less time you spent wearing it, the better.

You made sure to put a spare set of clothes in your bag so that you could switch if you wanted, which already made you feel a lot better about your decision. The rest of your day was spent playing your favorite app on your phone until it was finally time to leave.

As soon as you stepped out of your room, you had the feeling that people were looking at you. Every time you heard someone laugh you felt they were laughing at you, even though they weren't even looking in your direction. 

Just as you were considering turning back and changing into your regular clothes, you heard the honk of a car horn. You looked to find a familiar white car parked on the other side of the road. Quickly you crossed and got in the passenger seat.

"Why are you here?" You asked Tendou, temporarily forgetting about feeling uncomfortable.

"I thought this would save you some time and money over taking public transport." He replied as he pulled back onto the road.

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