42 - Midnight Run [Edited✅]

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So, I ended up not going to class because by the time Kate got to me, class was an hour and fifteen minutes over.

There goes my degree.

Jokes. I just have to work harder. Kate was apparently 'so proud' of me getting it on last night with the club owner. All I was, was embarrassed.

The only thing I know about the guy is that he's sexy as fuck and that he's name is Carter. I don't even know his last name.

I roll over on my bed, promising myself that I'm never getting drunk again.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Kate asks me.

"Thinking about who?" I ask, in fake confusion.

"Carter. Who else dummy?" she asks sarcastically. "I think you should go see him."

I laugh, "No way in hell am I going back there. If I remember what happened last night, I was crazy. That was not me. And I certainly did not like my behaviour."

"He definitely did. I still think you should go see him. I don't even know how he looks." she says, examining her nails.

"I don't care. I'm not going back."

"Suit yourself darling. I bet he's thinking about you right now." she says and it makes me think... It makes me think about him.

Carter. He's Italian. He's sexy. He's sweet. He's rich. I mean, if he owns a club, he has to be.

Eric. He's hot. He's rich. He's a gangster. He's an asshole. He's a heartbreaker. He's nothing to me!

Maybe I should go see Carter. I'm actually starting to feel like if I do go see Carter, I might be using him as a rebound. To get over Eric.

And I would hate to use anybody for my own benefit, especially if it's going to result in their heart breaking. I shake my head. I'm not going to go see him.

He probably forgot about me already. I change into some comfortable clothing then fall asleep.


When I wake up, and I must've been really tired, it's evening already. Of course I was tired. He tired me out last night.

I feel my face redden just thinking about it. I stand up, wanting to go shower. But a note catches my eyes.

I read it. It's just from Kate. She went to a party. It's okay actually because I'm glad she didn't wake me up.

I make my way to my bathroom, stripping off all my clothing. After I come out, I put on some leggings, my sneakers and a grey cropped hoodie. I tie my hair into a ponytail and throw the hood over my head.

I feel like going for a run. I really need to clear this fog out of my brain and I need to tire myself out because I know that I'm not going to sleep tonight.

I put my earplugs in and listen to the sound of Grace Carter's 'heal me'. It just reminds me of mum.

(you have to listen to the song to understand what she means. But if you don't it's okay. It'll all make sense in time.)

I exit the apartment and run. The song angers me because what she says is so true. I can't wait. And the anger takes over me as I run faster.

My life is so fucked up. The tables have turned she says and she's right because now I'm acting like my mother.

I don't even know how long I've been running. I should've stopped but I couldn't. Which lead me into running right into another person. He must have been running really fast too because he literally knocked me over.

I'm saying 'he' because no one has such a hard chest. His hands grab my sweaty waist, stopping me from hitting the ground.

I pant, pulling my earplugs out. "I'm so sorry," I say as he pulls me back up to the ground, "I didn't look where I was going."

"No problem, neither did I." he replies.

I was too busy wiping my tears to notice who was speaking to me.

I remove my hood then look up, freezing.

I sigh in anger, rolling my eyes, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask him.

He chuckles, stepping back and putting his hands up in surrender, "Hey, I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't even know you were going to run here. It's like, almost midnight." he explains, looking at his expensive wrist watch.

I lose my angry expression, stumbling back onto the bench. "I'm sorry. I'm just stressed out. It's making me paranoid."

"Why the hell are you out running so late anyway?" he asks, sitting next to me.

"After," I clear my throat, feeling my face warm up, "last night, it really tired me out so I slept all day and now I'm not tired at all. And if I don't sleep tonight, I'm not going to be able to stay awake in class tomorrow." I explain.

I look at him, he can't stop smiling.

"Okay, you've got to stop doing that. Why are you smiling? Again." I ask him, weirded out.

"You know, if last night tired you out so much..." he starts off, trailing his hands up my thigh, "And you need to sleep tonight but you're not tired..." he continues his adventure up my waist and I don't even know why I'm not stopping him, "We could just..."

I smirk, stopping his hand from going any further, "Are you asking me to have sex with you?"

He looks around as if he's thinking about it, "Yeah. Yeah I am."

I stand up, leaning closer into him so that my face is mere inches away from his, "Well no. I'm never having sex with you ever again."

I step back, ready to walk away but his hands, clasp over my wrist, pulling me back. He's now standing.

With my chest against his, I feel his steady heartbeat.

"This is a bad move to our romance." he says, moving his hands to my waist.

"Maybe I'm just uncertain." I shrug, being completely honest.

"The very essence off romance, darling, is uncertainty." he puts his hand out for me to take, about to lead me into my silly temptations.

And I take it. Instead of taking me with him, he kisses my hand.

It leaves me breathless. I pull my hand away, holding it to my chest.

Only now I see how he looks, with the moonlight shining on his face. I see his beautiful light hair, all messed up but sexy, his Hazel eyes filled with such emotion and his strong jawline.

His cute smile, brooding for head and broad chest. He was sweet enough to make me breakfast even though I didn't eat from it and he even dressed me in his shirt so that I didn't wake up looking like someone who was lost in the forest for two days.

"I-I have to go." I tell him, after I realise I've been staring.

He doesn't say anything as I turn around. I look back at him and as soon as I made eye contact, I run.


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