Chapter 34 - Yearning

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A/N:  This is a little fluff chapter but necessary to get to an important part of  the story.  The ever wonderful Finn always played his part so well.  I loved him.  Happy reading.  Thanks for the votes and all the new readers that have come to my story.  Keep reading, voting and I love your comments.

 As I arrived at the airport, Finn was on the plane. We hugged and settled into our seats for takeoff.

"Love, you want coffee or a drink?"

"I'll wait. So, Finn, did you have a productive evening at the gala?"

"I did, Rory. How about you?"

"Yes, I think. Really though, I was worried about Logan and wondering how we are going to get him out of London and back to New York ASAP. Do you think that Yvette could possibly be a stalker? I mean, I keep thinking of that movie, Fatal Attraction. Finn, even though that was a movie, there probably are people like that."

"Love, I don't think you should worry too much about that. It's probably more likely that she is a spoiled brat, doesn't like rejection, and wanted to get her hands on some Huntzberger money."

"Should we tell Mitchum that she threatened Logan?

"Well, Mother, you need to let Colin and I deal the monster. You just concentrate on pushing Logan to get his father to promote him into a higher position in the states. We all want him back stateside, love."

"You said that right, Finn. Logan told me that he's coming home for Valentine's Day. He's taking me on an adventure somewhere warm to celebrate 'our love'. Then, he said his father had asked him to come home to celebrate his birthday. He was quite shocked, but I could tell he was pleased that the family was making an effort."

"So, you two are going to be basking on a beach somewhere for Valentine's Day?"

"You know, Logan. He always does things big, Finn. He says that's why I love him but you know that's not it."

"I know Rory. It might have something to do with that handsome face of his."

"Mmm, hmm. That brilliant mind that he likes to hide and a couple other things I can think of might add to why I love him."

"Yes, our boy, has always had a way with the ladies. Are you ready for that drink?"

"Sure. How about we have a Macallan in honor of the man of my dreams?"

 "Whatever your heart desires, love. Are you all in this relationship for sure again, Rory?"

"Why, yes, Finn. I've discovered that I never stopped loving Logan. The both of us were just being so stubborn and afraid of getting hurt again. Both of us didn't take a chance to just pick up the phone and reach out. I think a little too much pride, as well, was getting in the way on both our parts. But, now Logan and I are committed to each other and to going forward together with our future."

"That's great to hear, love. Our boy, Huntz, couldn't take another heartbreak from you."

"I couldn't either, Finn. Let's toast to happy days again and years of all of us being together for a very long time."

We settled in and before long Finn and I were preparing for landing. Short naps had been had by both of us. I thanked Finn for all he had done to help protect Logan. "Thanks for the lift home, Finn. We'll be in touch soon. Let me know if you find out any new develops."

"Oh, love, don't mention it. I was glad to give you the ride home. Now come here and give me a hug. You take care, Mother, and don't you and Logan get too crazy on the sandy beaches with those warm tropical breezes on Valentine's Day."

"You know Logan, Finn.  I can't promise anything."


By the time I got home and settled in a little, it was getting late for London time. I went up to my room to facetime Logan.

"Hi, Ace."

"Hello babe. Are you in bed?"

"Just getting ready to go. How was your flight? You and Finn enjoy your time on the plane?"

"We had a good talk and toasted to happy days again and to all of us being together again."

"Oh, yeah?"

 "He told me that you couldn't take another heartbreak if I wasn't all in this time. I told him I wouldn't be able to take it either."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Logan, that's so. You know we were being stubborn and both of us were just afraid to make the first move."

"That's mostly true, Ace. You sure do look good lying there on that pillow with your hair spread out on the pillow. I wish I was there."

"Thanks for the compliment. I wish you were here, too. It's only been eight hours since I've seen you and it feels like eight days. And your sexy voice is mesmerizing me."

"I sure would like to kiss you good-night, baby."

"I sure wish you could kiss me good-night, too. You're getting sleepy. I'm going to let you go, babe. Call me tomorrow."

"Oh, sweetie, it's going to be a long three weeks. I'll call you. I love you."

 "I love you, too, Logan. You best be working on your dad getting you moved to New York. I don't want to keep saying good-bye to you. I want to be lying in your arms every night."

"I hear you and I'm on it. Good-night, Ace."



As Logan laid in the dark thinking about having Rory in his arms and his bed, he smiled to himself. If only my Ace knew what was going on behind her back she would be mad at me for not telling her. He thought about how excited she would be and then imagined her jumping into his arms. That day couldn't come fast enough.   

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