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Ara's pov

"So.. Tell me how's my life in highschool?" I asked Jaehwan, as I made myself comfortable on the couch.

"You joined commitee as secretary, then be friended Seongwu and Lisa. Seems like Lisa is the only girl friend you have," Jaehwan folded his towels and put it inside his bag. "you are a football manager, too."

"Wait, I am a secretary and a manager?" I asked, shockedly. "That's so not me."

"Well, but that's who you are now," he grabbed the keychain and gave me code to leave the apartment.

"Why did I become a manager? Is Jungkook a member of the club?" I walked out the room, still asked him questions.

"No, he's not. You just wanted to help me because the managers resigned."

"Oh," I nodded. "but should I stay as manager?"

"That's up to you," he said.

We went to school by the bus. The school were a little bit far, and I didn't know what to do. My phone was broken, so I lent Jaehwan's phone to open my instagram profile from his SNS on the way.

I clicked my profile, and it didn't have many photo with other people. Well, maybe Jaehwan was right. I didn't have that many friends.

I saw them one by one, and I stopped at a picture of a group of people. There was me, leant on a girl with my eyes fixed to the left, and Seongwu sunbae hugged us from behind. There was also Sungwoon sunbae who just sat and looked at the camera flatly.

"Jaehwannie," I pat him. "who's the girl?"

Jaehwan peeked and replied, "It's Lisa."

As I looked it longer, I realized my eyes fixed to Sungwoon.

"This Ha Sungwoon guy.. What kind a person is he?"

"He's a nice guy. He might not show it but he actually cares," he replied. "he doesn't open up so easily, so sometimes I don't get him."

"Are we close?"

I noticed he hestitated for awhile, before said "Of course you are, he's a commitee, too. He's the president."

"Oh," I nodded.

I clicked the comment section which was weird as it got a lot of comments. It looked like only a common photo.

osw_onge This photo screamed "Notice me, Oppa"
optimushwang ^^
lalalalisa_m Let's tag him @gooreumseng
optimuswhang @gooreumseng
osw_onge @gooreumseng @gooreumseng
| arakim_ guys u do realize i protect this
account, right
| arakim_ he wont see it
| osw_onge oh poor dear, he isnt even
following you?
| optimushwang unprotect this
| osw_onge i was wrong then
| osw_onge this photo scream for
| optimushwang Oppa, followback me~
| osw_onge ugulugulu sungwoonie oppa
notice mee >,<

I clicked @gooreumseng account, and it turned to be Ha Sungwoon's account.

Oh, he's famous.
But he follows me, though?
Maybe he did after that.

I slip Jaehwan's phone on my pocket as I saw Jaehwan stood up, prepared to get off. We got off near the school, and walked slowly to the school.

We both walked passed the parking lot. I saw him got off from his car, wore his denim jacket. He was so damn attractive.

He found me stared at him for too long, and he chuckled. I turned my head in embarassment, and didn't even realize he walked to our direction.

"Sungwoon, you remember to bring your damn jersey, right?" Jaehwan asked.

"But I have plan with Jimin after school.."

"Don't forget the practice today." he warned.

"Okay, cap," he chuckled.

"Oi," he poked me.


"Like what you see?" he smirked.

"What? No!"

"Okay, so how are you feeling? Do you remember something?"

"Um, no, it still the same. But I think I can walk better now."

"Good then," he smiled.

Not long after that, we splited and I went to my class. I put my bag beside Jungkook, and he greeted me with smile.

We talked before the class started, but why did my mind kept thinking about Sungwoon?

He just smiled once today but his smile captured so well in my brain.

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now