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I stood outside an apartment door for a whole ten minutes, contemplated either I leave the food and medicine on the door handle or I ring the bell instead.

Will he mad?
But I'm his girlfriend, right?
I can come when I want to.

I finally had the courage to ring the bell.

Ding Dong.

No answer.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

"The fuck are you doing here?!" he opened the door angrily.


"Y-you didn't pick up my call."


"And I am worried? You coughed a lot at school.."

"I'm fine, no need to worry," he folded his arm. "And you don't need to come here."

"Fine, no need to be so pain in the ass." I threw the med and food I just bought.

I turned around, left his flat in instant, but he caught up soon. "You don't throw foods on people, Kim Ara."

"Well, I expected to give it nicely but the person kicked me from his flat before I even step in."

Some people passed by and he quickly shut his mouth. He facepalmed, and dragged me to his flat after saying "Okay come here."

It was my very first time for stepping inside his flat. It was clean but unexpectedly messy. "When is the last time you clean up?"

"I barely even got sleep, why would I spend my time for cleaning," he opened his bedroom door and signalled me to go in.

I looked at his bedroom and I still couldn't believe he was still studying in such time.

"You're studying?"

He just sat on his work space, and I closed his book. "No studying. Just rest."

"Move away, Ara, I don't want to argue." he pushed me aside weakly and his hand was shockingly hot.

I took off his mask, and he protested so loud, but I didn't care. I put my hand on his forehead and I was damn right.

"You have fever."

"I'm fine, please, just move away."

"No, you listen to me. You rest on your fucking b—"

"Hey, I don't like it when you curse."

"You go rest on your bed and I'll prepare the food. Please. Listen to me, just for once."

He finally gave in and I prepared for his food. "Can you eat? Or do you want me to feed you?"

"I can eat by my own." he ate the porridge I brought earlier, and he really looked like he was so forced to eat. So full of whines. But at least he ate it.

"Here, the med."

He obdiently drank it and asked, "Can I study now?"

"Why are you so obsessed with your books?"

"I have tons of exam coming," he sighed.

"I hope you realize it, too, health comes first. No more topless in this cold weather."

"You really are one noisy kind of girlfriend, huh?" he chuckled.

"A simply thank you would be enough."

"Anyway, how can you know my place?"

"I have my ways."

"Does Jaehwan know?"

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant