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Author's pov

"Hey, how's Jaehwan?" Jimin asked, as Ara came back to his earlier position.

"He's doing okay," she grabbed her bag, and wanted to go, but Seongwu grabbed her hand. "Where are you going?"

"I want to sit on the front," she replied quickly, as she kept on looking at the empty seats. "I need to be quick, or else others will sit on it."

"Those seats are near my friends, wait, I'll text them to keep those for us." Jimin made a call, and said to them to reserve the seats. "All set, now we don't need to be in hurry. You got a lot of things there."

Jimin amd Seongwu helped the girls to carry their bags, and Ara still impatiently walked to the front. She stumbled couple times due to her clumsiness but Jimin got her. "Slow down, Ara. You don't want to fall in stairs."

"Sorry," she mumbled.

The four of them finally reached the seats, and they were greeted by Jimin's friends. "Managernim!" they chirped.

"Hello," she smiled politely.

"How are you?" the boy with boxy smile greeted her. "Fine. And you?" she replied politely.

"Perfect!" he chirped. "Perfect weather with perfect sight," he winked.

Ara just smiled awkwardly and the boy was slapped by Jimin. "Oh right, I forgot," he said. "Sorry to make you uncomfortable, but that's just who I am," he chukled. "Taehyung," he gave her hand.

She accepted his hand and shook it, then said "Ara."

The rest of the boy greeted her, too, and told their names, Yoongi and Hoseok. They were informed by Jimin about her amnesia, so they tried to make Ara comfortable.

Ara, who didn't really care about those bunch of boys, he kept staring at the one with number 11 written on his back. He ran so fast than earlier, passing and dribbling with no joke accuracy.

He was so focused, but sometimes he stole glance at her direction without her knowing. He was so happy that she moved her seat to the front, but fet a little bit annoyed because he was surrounded by boys.

"Well, at least Seongwu's there." he thought. Actually, it wasn't that he didn't trust Jimin, but he knew Jimin had feelings for her. He knew he wouldn't lay his hand on her, but you know, who knew what might happen if they became too close? Feelings might develop. And the rest of the boys, he just didn't know them personally. And it troubled him that Taehyung boy was too close to Ara.

Now it was only five minutes left before break. Sungwoon tried so hard to catch up, and the boys knew Sungwoon would make it. They never questioned Sungwoon's accuracy, so they passed to him. But it came to surprise that Jungkook suddenly stole the ball. The team was shocked and he started dribbling to his chest before did little kicks to keep the ball in his foot.

"What is that stupid boy thinking?" Sungwoon facepalmed, and ran to Jungkook.

"Make a pass!" Kai told Jungkook, but he didn't do it. He kept running and running, ignoring the team and wanted to shoot.

"Stupid, just make a pass and let Sungwoon do a long shoot!" Jaehwan cursed so loud, and it was heard by the front liners.

"What is he thinking?!" Seongwu pulled his hair, in frustration. "It's two minutes left!"

"Oh no," Lisa said. "He tried to make long shoot. Not that I don't believe him, it's just... beside Jaehwan, Sungwoon is the only one with the highest accuracy."

The boys were so pissed to his recklessness, but they could only hope it would score. Ara looked at Jungkook, and really wished he would just make a pass to Sungwoon. "Jungkook, please!" she screamed.

Jungkook lost it. By the time she joined everyone to persude him to let Sungwoon do the shoot, he lost his focus.

"Not you, too.." he thought. "I just want you too lok at me."

He finally kicked the ball, and it was too hard. A little—or far—too hard. It flew higher, than it necessary. And the bad thing was, it flew to the guest direction.

Ara eyes widen, the ball was directed to her. She covered her head quickly, and really afraid to get hurt. The girls near her also did the same. But later she felt someone covered her, and a loud thump was heard.

The warmth slowly moved away, made Ara opened her eyes slowly, too. He saw a boy standing in front of her, with the ball under his feet.

"Great save from number 11, Ha Sungwoon!" The commentator said. "Oh my God, I'm a boy and I am strucked."

Sungwoon turned around, and looked at the frightened girl wrapped in his best friend's protective arms.

"Jimin-ah, thanks for trying to save her, but it really doesn't necessary when I'm around."

Jimin quickly released his grip, and Ara blushed crimson. The girls stared at her, and the boys teased her a lot. But she didn't care.

She didn't feel intimidated by those stares, or shy after all those teases. All she feel was the overflowing emotions towards Sungwoon.

"That's my hyung, for you," Jimin whispered, while smiling wide. "He's so cool, right? I can never beat him."

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now