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Author's pov

With the final deal, the two boys walked separatedly to the yard and Ara grabbed Jungkook's jacket.

Jungkook turned around, and looked at the girl. She was hella annoyed and said, "I'm not a thing you can bet on."

Jungkook walked closer, was about to put his hand on her head, and said "I'm just—"

Sungwoon cut him by grabbed his wrist, which already moved closer to her head. He wanted to pat her, and made Sungwoon's blood boiled. He really didn't like anyone touch Ara.

Sungwoon glared at Jungkook, who just clenched his jaw.

He hated this.
He hated Sungwoon's superior effect.
And he was about to change it.

Jungkook jogged to the yard and left Sungwoon who was still stand up near Ara. Ara, who was still confused about this moment, just shrugged beside Lisa.

"Hey," Sungwoon jogged to Ara. "I won't let you quit."

He later smiled and caressed her cheek, and went to the yard.

"Yah, Sungwoon, why do you keep betting on my sister?" Jaehwan smacked his back.

Sungwoon just kept walking and faced Jungkook.

"You didn't let me touch her, but you did?" Jungkook scoffed.

"Let me remind you, fake boyfriend," he walked closer to Jungkook. "I'm still her boyfriend. Officially."

"She doesn't remember you," Jungkook laughed. "you can't even try to make her remember you without giving her hard time."

"So what?"

Jungkook gave him a confused look.

"So what, if she can't remember me? I just need to make her fall in love with me again."

Ara's pov

I shrugged beside Lisa. I didn't know how, and why, everything felt so familiar.

"Whoah, never see that guy being so persistent."

I turned my head and faced Lisa. She smiled so excitedly, and I asked her, "What do you mean?"

"I never see Sungwoon like that. He loves you, doesn't he?" she smiled.


The game began and it was surprising to see Jungkook played soccer so skillfully. Only few minutes started and Jungkook already scored.

Sungwoon looked like he didn't expect this, too. He moved faster and snatched the ball from Jungkook and shot the ball. It was 3-2 now, and 3 for him.

Jungkook looked at the bench and catched me looked at Sungwoon, and I quickly avoided his gaze. He grew impatient and kicked the ball too hard, and accidently hit Sungwoon's face.


The whistle was blown and Jungkook got a warning. I quickly stood up, grabbed first aid, and ran to him. I pulled his chin up softly, so the blood would stop running down.

"You should be careful," I said as I wiped the blood.

He just stared at me without saying a word. His gaze was so deep and made me gulped.

After one last wipe, I told him worrily "You need to go to the bench."

He later just stood up, put my hair behind my ear. He looked at me while smiling so sweetly, almost like it wasn't him. "I won't let you quit," he whispered. "I didn't even let Jimin get you, do you think I would let Jungkook?"

He later put his towel around my shoulder and smiled before walked to Jaehwan, telling him he was ready to get back on set.


I walked back to the bench and felt a sudden sting. My head hurted. My vision became blurry and a memory suddenly strucked me.

"Kim Ara!"

I responded by looking at a blonde boy, but didn't say any words. The boy looked like Sungwoon so much, but the he was a little bit taller and gave a warmer aura.

"If I win, let's have a date!"

"The fuck, Park Jimin, my sister isn't something you can bet on!" Jaehwan screamed.

"Then don't be lose!" Jimin laughed. "Consider it as your way of saying thank you for that time! You know, hanger things!"

"Ara!" Lisa shook my body, and she looked so worried. "You okay?"

"I-I'm fine," I assured her and weakly pat her shoulder.

Lisa didn't buy it and still kept her eyes on me. I tried to focus on the game that was currently 4-3. Sungwoon was still leading.

My head hurted again and felt like being squeezed. The crowd voice faded out and another memory rushed back.

Author's pov

Jimin smiled happily as Taehyung hugged him from behind. He looked at the girl on the right side and said "Ara! It's a yes, right? We'll have a date?"

Ara's face turned like a tomato and she couldn't say anything. She really didn't expect this, either it was as a friend or more than that.

"Silent means yes, you know," he chuckled

Ara's head became heavier as the time flies. The game was still on, and of course, the boys didn't notice.

Sungwoon tried his best to be on lead, while Jungkook became more impatient.

Just when Jaehwan passed the ball to Kai, Sungwoon followed from behind, guided him. And when he turned around, he saw Ara buried her face in her palms.

It took him off guard, and made Jungkook snatched the ball. It was 4-4 now.

"5 minutes left!" the referee said.

Damn, Sungwoon cursed.

He ran again and tried to get the ball, but he couldn't focus. He kept checking on Ara.

And that dumb didn't even notice, he cursed Jungkook on his head.

Jaehwan snatched the ball from Jungkook and made him shock.

"I thought you're against Sungwoon?" Jungkook asked.

"No, I'm against the idea of making her stressed out. I never against Sungwoon, and never will," Jaehwan passed the ball to Sungwoon. "of course I like him better than you."

Jungkook gritted his teeth and ran over Sungwoon, tried to snatch the ball back. Sungwoon kept dodging the attack from his opponent but later, he heard Lisa screamed, "Ara!"

He automaticly turned around and saw Ara already on her knees. He quickly ran to Ara, left the ball, and made Jungkook got the ball.

"Ara, Ara," he softly shook her body, and she didn't respond.

He put her on his arm and carried her to the infirmary. He ran as fast as he could, ignoring the fact that Jungkook just shot a goal, and became a winner.

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now