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Ara's pov

I saw myself danced in a practice room. I kept falling, but I stood up right away. I jumped, and successfully reach the height I aimed, but I landed so badly. I heard a little crack before hitting the hard floor.

I tried to stand up with the strength I had left, but I saw someone approached me, with a big disappointment written all over his face.

"You can't keep doing this," he said.

"But I'm trying my best," I tried my best to hold my tears from falling, but what he said next tore me apart.

"You can't, Ara. Face it already."

"But, I-"

"No, it's over," he sighed.

"What do you mean it's over?"

"This just... can't work," he stood up.

"B-but, we have dreams, I thought we're going to build it together?" I started sobbing.

He just looked at me, in a way he never looked at me before.

"But how can we build our dream together, if.." he rubbed his face in frustration, and told me "let's just take a break, and we'll figure things out later."

"Jungkook, please, let me-"

"No, Ara, fuck, I tried to be nice to you," he cursed. "We can't be together, not after this.. happened. I can't even look at you, now. All I see is you, ruin all the hard work I've been put for a year,"

With the final blow, I saw everything dissolved, along with Jungkook that I loved so dearly. The dance room changed to my bedroom. I cried buckets with Jaehwan sat beside me. "Ara, you need help," he said in a weak tone. "You need to see doctors to heal you physically and mentally."

"You think I'm crazy, Jjae?" I threw him my pillow and he grabbed my hand instead. "You listen to me first, I beg you, Ara,"

"No! You listen to me!" I cried harder. "I lost both my dream and love, Jjae. You think I'm crazy? No, I'm broken. I can't get fixed."

"You can, Ara, for God's sake," he put you in warm embrace, and said "You just need to find someone who loves you, in whatever position you are in. Ups, or downs."

I remembered I mopped around for months. The pain slowly went away, and the only thing that left on me was hatred. Hatred towards Jungkook, along with the feeling of betrayal. I could say the feeling I had for Jungkook was gone but the pain wasn't.

I was showered with a lot of love from Jaehwan and my parents started to visit me once a week. I could say that my heart was slowly healed, but there was a part of my heart that was still aching.

It was the feeling of loosing my dream. The feeling of giving up my dream of becoming a dancer. No matter how many sweet things I head from Jaehwan, or my therapist, I couldn't let go of the mourn.

I decided to leave my dream behind, and gave up the therapy, too. I felt it was such a waste to keep coming to the therapy, with the chance of walking normally was less than 30%. And when I pointed that out, my parents exploded and made me left the house, in midnight.

I saw myself walked at night, alone. It was so cold and made me shiver a lot, made me regretted for leaving the house coatless. My leg was so hurt, especially my ankle. I felt like dragging of my feet, instead of walking. I was so lost in thought, and didn't pay attention of what I was heading. I suddenly bumped into a hard chest and I stumbled.

"Yah! Watch your step!" a boy yelled loudly at me.

Realized that I was the one at fault for bumping into him, I apologized. "I-I'm sorry," I grabbed my bag that fell from my grip and tried to stand up. "Ouch!"

My ankle hurted and I couldn't stand up. It would really embarrassing if I cry, so I held it back. He stood up and walked away. Thinking he was gone, I cried.

But later, I heard footsteps came closer and I looked up. I found him standing, giving me his hand. I just stared at him, looking at his fair skin and his pointed nose that clearly seen under the street lights.

"Yah, I'll go if you want to stay here all night." he broke my thought.

"A-h, o-okay," I grabbed his hand. "Thank you."

"Can you walk?" he asked.

I released his grip and moved my feet forward but I stumbled. He grabbed my hand again. "S-sorry, I don't think I can."

"You just hurted your foot, not lost it. Stop crying. You'll manage." he rolled his eyes and put my hand on his waist. He brought me to his car and drove me home. The ride was silence, until I called him once we arrived at my home "Hey,"

He turned his head and looked at me. Again, didn't say anything.

"I'm Kim Ara, and you are..?"

He just rolled his eyes and walked to the car again.

"Hey please, you're kind enough to me even I'm at fault. I haven't repay you yet so at least tell me your name."

He stopped and looked back again. "Ha Sungwoon." he said before left.


I tailed them quietly. I hid behind a tree and I heard the girl confessed, "Sunbae, I like you since the first time I saw you. Can you be my boyfriend?"

"I can't. I am sorry." he rejected flatly.

"Just give me a chance to make you like me back, Sunbae. We can talk or—"

"Sorry, I said I can't." he bowed. "Now excuse me—"

"Sunbae, wait," she grabbed his hand. "why can't you? Are you really in a relationship with Kim Ara?"

"Ara? No," he raised his eyebrow. "We're just commitee's partner."

"But.. do you love her?"

"I don't see her like that." he replied.

"But she loves you, right? She's clearly chasing after you, Sunbae. Why do you let her but not me?" she asked again, without letting go of his hand.

"She's just my friend's sister. I can't just brush her off."

I opened my eyes slowly, and I felt my back was stiffen. I tried to lifted my body but it was so heavy, so I gave up right away. I looked at my surrounding which looked so unfamiliar. The white painted walls, and peach sofa at the corner. I felt something in my nose so I tried to check it with my hand, but I saw an IV drip was stucked in my hand.

Damn, I'm in hospital.

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now