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Days passed after the promise but I couldn't spend time with Jungkook. Not in class, not outside the class.

In class, I would be too focused on lesson so I would catch up with the class, and outside the class, Sungwoon gave me piles of work.

"Have mercy.." I cried as he gave me dozens of papers.

He sipped the coffee without looking at me, and said "3 weeks to go, move your lazy ass."

I scoffed at his remaks and I started reading the proposal, one by one. It was the concept of the school festival from each class. I needed to make sure the concept didn't overlap and made the map.

"I think we lack of supplies," Seongwu said.

"I think it's on the each class?" I asked.

"The school decoration is on us, the class decoration is on them. Please listen carefully." Sungwoon said, with his eyes still fixed on his paper.

"Gosh, I'm so tired." I bang my head to the table. "It doesn't have to be done by today, right?"

"How's the progress?" Lisa asked.

"I'm still at..... 1-C class?" I read.

"It's not even 25%." Seongwu chuckled. "Come on, I'll help you."

Seongwu came over and helped me to organized the timeline. He was so good at management, so effective.

"Oppa, how's your work?"

"Me? I'll do it later after we hit the 2-D." he smiled.

"Thank you, Oppa! You're so nice," I chirped. "You know I actually took your advice."

"What advice?" he asked.

"I'm trying to get to know them," I whispered. "But the thing is, I can't even find a time to talk with Jungkook."

"Why is that so?" he whispered back.

"I have too much work," I replied. "You know, I have plan to spend a day with him. I have a lot of things I want to ask him, and it kinda rude if I just hit and go. We at least should build a mood first." I whined, didn't realize my volume became higher.

Sungwoon suddenly opened the drawer and grabbed two books, then handed them to me. "Don't forget to write the summary. The due date is tomorrow."

I looked at him in disbelief. He was back in his earlier position. Sat on his mighty chair and read stacks of paper.

"This is too much for me," I ranted. "I barely sleep! I need to prepare for the cup, catching up with final, and now you gave me too much work on school festival! Why don't you hire more people?"

"So you have time to play with Jungkook?" he scoffed, with his eyes still fixed on his damn paper.

"So this is all about?" I stood up and grabbed away the paper from his grip. "You give me this unreasonably loaded works just to make sure I don't play around with Jungkook?"

He cleared his throat, and stood up very slowly. His gaze was so intimidating, made me regretted every words I said earlier, no matter how much I meant it.

"Me and Lisa clearly on the same boat as you. We prepare for the cup and this school festival. The hell with the final, we prepare for university exam. Do you even hear us complaining?"

Seongwu jumped and pulled me to his back, and covered me. "Sungwoon, enough."

"If you don't want to do this, it's alright. Go play with Jungkook as you wish. The resign paper is there. You think I will beg you yo stay?" he grabbed his bag, wanted to leave, but Seongwu called him. "Sungwoon, don't."

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now