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Author's pov

The whistle blown and Jaehwan whined. "Come on, guys, stop it already!"

Jaehwan stood between two boys who glared daggers to each others. "Come on, Sungwoon, we've talked about this."

"He picked fight with me," Sungwoon pushed the other boy aside, made him stumbled, but he managed to keep standing.

"You just became too greedy, why do you guys let him score as he wish? He's not the solo player here." Jungkook pushed him back, and it made Sungwoon made a fist.

"Stop, you two!" Jaehwan screamed in frustration. "Get along, please, I beg you. You're adults."

"Jjae," Ara called. "time's up."

Jaehwan let a big sigh, and told the two boys, "I'll deal with you later,"

The practice was dismissed and Ara softly whispered to his brother, "I'll talk to Jungkook, you'll talk to Sungwoon?"

"No, you talk to them. They don't give a shit about me," he cursed.


Jungkook's pov

Today was a very tiring day. Morning practice was hell, due to Sungwoon's stubborness, and after school practice was even worse. Jaehwan really let Sungwoon do whatever he wanted to do. I got it, he was good at playing, but he really didn't give me a chance to do much. And Ara didn't even help. His eyes were fixed on him, no matter how she denied that he had feelings to him, it was shown as clear as crystal.

I really wanted to make her notice me. I wanted her to know I cared about her, and I would do anything for her.

I wanted her to know, I loved her.

I wanted her to love me back.

This feels like shit.

I kicked the ball and it hit the wall. I kicked again, again, and again.

What should I do now?

Later, the door opened and I saw a girl entered.

The last person I wanted to see right in this state.

The state where insecurity consumed me.

"Jungkook?" she called. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought the ball back," I picked the ball from the floor and smiled fakely.

"Oh," Ara nodded. "You should've just leave it at the yard, though. It's on me and Lisa Unnie."

I watched her walked to the shelf, and put some of the sport equipment there. I watched her ponytail bounced, and how his little legs moved so cutely. I admired her hazel eyes, which prettier than any gem.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"Nothing," I lied. "I just wondered why are you alone here without Lisa."

"We're separated the task. She'll handle the paper this time. Too tired to write," she chuckled.

I just nodded, and still looking at her. I felt happy to see her, but in the exact same moment, my chest was hurt. I didn't know, and how, to make this girl fall in love with me again. I didn't know how to make her see me. To choose me, and stay.

Why did we meet again, if we can't be together?

"Jungkook, can I ask you something?" she asked me hestitantly.

"What is it?"

"Can you please get along with Sungwoon?"

I just looked at her blankly, but still cursed in silence.

You're so fucking clueless, huh?

"I know he's so annoying but can you, at least, try to ignore it?"

I still hadn't answer, but this girl just didn't know when to shut her mouth.

"I also hate his guts, sometimes. But Sungwoon is Sungwoon, right?"

Stop calling his name.

"He's fully aware that he's good in almost everything, so he will just do everything he wants, 'cause he knows he'll nail it." she chuckled. "What an annoying human being."

Don't talk about him with a big smile in your face.

"But anyway, can you? Please?"

"You.. just don't understand anything, do you?" I threw the ball away and walked to her side. "Stop calling his name in front of me. Stop asking me to do something related to him."

She became stiffen and I just kept talking, "I joined this fucking club to make you see me, but how is it possible when your eyes fixed on him?"

"Jungkook, I—"

"No, don't say anything," I covered her mouth. "I should be man up and swallow everything, right? You don't love me, so I need to be stronger and do what I can, until you finally see me."

"Jungkook.. Why do you love me so much?" she asked, almost like whispered. "Why do you do all this? Why are you trying so hard?"

"Because I don't want to lose you twice."

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now