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Author's note:
You can play the song above, after the next note. 💙


We both walked back to the car park and he didn't even let go of my hand. There was something in him that I could never get enough of. Even he was literally the most annoying person on Earth, his presence itself already saved the world. His sweet smile and his annoying laugh cured this wicked world.

Oh my God, Ara.
Did you hear yourself?
Since when you became this cringe.

I shook the thoughts off my head as Sungwoon started noticing that my mind was elsewhere.

"Don't even think to open that mouth." I warned him.

"I can't talk, now?" he chuckled.

"I know you're going to tease me so you better shut your mouth."

I waited for his comeback but he just laughed, and released his grip from my hand. He unlocked the car's door and jogged to his seat.

"Why are you standing there?" he asked, as he opened to his door. "Just get in."

"Whoa, I thought you're going to be gentlement and open the door for me.," I scoffed and let myself in.

"Why would I do that to someone who doesn't allow me to open my mouth?" he chuckled, and turned his engine on.

"Alright," I sighed. "You just need to win, don't you?"

He suddenly leant closer, put his hand on the window and set his face right in front of my face. I held my breath, as he looked at me deeply.

I looked at his beautiful eyes, and down to his lips. He was so beautiful, flawless and I was really weak under his gaze.

He leant even closer with his eyes fixed on mine, and I shut my eyes, biting my lips nervously.


"You forget to put your seatbelt on." he said, and went back to his previous position.

I opened my eyes, and my cheeks blushed crimson.

This jerk.

"What?" he laughed. "You look like a tomato. Do you have fever?"

"Oh shut up." I was so embarassed and buried my face on my palm.

"Haha, you should've seen your face." he laughed.

"You're so annoying, you know that?" I slapped him, a little too hard.

"Geez, you have the strength of a man," he caressed his arm. "Why are you so mad? Did you expect something?"

"Shut up and drive." I looked away to the window.

He laughed so loudly and I became even more embarassed. Why did I shut my eyes? It looked like I expected for a kiss.

Stupid Ara.

He realized that I was so embarassed and didn't want to talk, so he turned his radio on. The radio played the current hits song. It wasn't the type of song that I listened to, so it didn't really affect me.

The song ended, and it changed.

Author's note:
You can play the song now 💙

"It's beautiful, everything is surrounding me
I can't get out from the fantasy of bluemaze
It falls down like a slide
The wave that embraces me is somehow familiar (dive in swimming pool)

[ HA SUNGWOON ] Where The Memories Faint Asleep - book 2Where stories live. Discover now