1512 words
Ejirous pov
I put my phone down and smiled like a child on Christmas. A thought popped up in my head Wait when's his birthday? What if it's tomorrow or something and just doesn't want to tell me. I need to know. Wait what's that noise? I heard crashing of metal like somebody was purposely smashing it together. It came from my window.
I walked over to the window and wiped away the cobwebs and dust then lent to see where the crashing was coming from. I opened the glass and saw a guy crushing the scraps of metal that my dad wanted gone. From this height I could only see he kinda had a fringe that covers one of his eyes and dark blue hair? I think. He had a digger type of thing and it was squishing down the different metals and the chucking them onto the almost flat pile.
I couldn't see his face. Dads gone so I guess I can introduce my self,
"HEY!" I shouted out of the window to try get his attention
"HELLO... IM EJIROU!" I basically shouted with full power. My voice was getting deeper each week and I'm so glad that I won't sound like a child anymore. "HELLOOOO" I don't think he can hear me, he didn't look up and I guess the digger is on and making hell of a racket.I pouted then thought I'll go down there, I mean he doesn't look too old or too young. I hopped of my window sill and jogged over to my door handle. I opened my door and my body had to jolt back so I didn't run into Mineta that was standing ridiculously close.
"Hey Ejirou" he kinda waved, putting his head into my room looking for something
"Did yoooouu... loose something?" I questioned kind of laughing
"Uh yeaaa" he waved his hand saying kinda, he didn't come in eye contact with me, though, he was concentrating. "Hey could you just- yea" he pushed me out the way, looking round my room. "What ya looking for" I looked at him confused.
"Ummm" he spun in a circle searching for this 'something'
"Do you have one of those sex toys i could borrow?" He opened my wardrobe bending over. I looked at him awkwardly
"No, why would I have one" I was uncomfortable and why the hell would you say that
"Cause you got a whole box of them?" He looked at me over his shoulder like it was obvious
"Why would I keep one" I chuckled almost disgusted but I guess we are teenagers.
"Cause your a gay horny teenage boy and why wouldn't you?" He continued to look though my stuff, moving over to my desk. "I-Uh I meaann your not completely wrong but i promise I don't have one, I'm gonnaa go now" I rushed out my room and somewhat laughed. I ran down the halls and slid down the banisters.I jumped off when I got near to the bottom and I stumbled, I was doing one of those 'im trying to run while my face is close to the ground' the type of run you do when you really don't want to fall on the ground. God I'm clumsy.I got my balance and started to run towards the door opening it. The fresh air felt nice and it was sunny. I ran down the few stairs and went round the corner slightly and saw wood stacked up, hay bails everywhere and I saw the boy.
He looks around my age. My feet made noises as I crossed the loose gravel towards him. His hair was blackish/bluish. I walked over and he was about my height. "Hey?" I waved not sure if he's listening
"Uh ah hmmmm" he turned round quickly then panicked.
"I'm Ejirou" I stuck my hand out so he can take it. He hesitantly did, he looked guilty. He was shaking slightly
"Hey you alright man?" He looked up at me like a sad puppy. I gave him a warm smile, he looked as if he was petrified and looked tense.
I began to worry a bit, he began to look around himself to check for something
"Umm are you safe?" I began to think, he reminded me of my younger self, well I wouldn't say younger, just a few months ago I was like this. I gave him a small hum to speak... he shook his head slowly. He's not safe?
"Are you in danger?" The worry in my voice quivered, he nodded his head...What does he mean?
Katsukis pov
I heard horses hooves outside. No one is supposed to be here, I walked to the grand doors and the guards started to open them when they saw me. I saw fire red horses and the four of them had silver Maine and tails connected to a red, blue and silver carriage and who is it that's in the carriage, him.
Why him. Fuck no, I looked to see if Ejirou was behind his fucking fat body but no sight of him. His fucking ass got out the carriage and walked up the stairs with triumph. Get the fuck off my castle. I wanted to spit on him but I know I'm better than that. He looked at me and gave me a fake smile then went to give me a handshake, I looked down at it then looked back, he squinted his eyes looking evil, evil my ass. "Oi blondie, if you get in my way oh ohhhh you'll sure to get it, fucking whore, don't get in my way" he laughed slightly pushing me back and walked straight into the castle. My fists were balled and my veins were visible. I'm going to fucking kill him. If he does jack shit to my mum, he's the one who's gonna get it.
I'm not a fucking whore.
Yes you are
Yes i am...
Seros pov
"Denki!" I rushed over to him, I looked round checking if anyone was there
"Ay look, this right here, boyyyy this makes you high as fuck" I said pulling a bag out of my pocket. I saw Denki get hyped up and of course I began to get hyped my self, he jumped around in a circle then started to talk to me "where do you get this stuff, it's well expensive right?" His yellow fringe got in the way of his eyesight.
"Yea spent another whole pay check on this but it's so worth it, take one sniff you'll get high as a kite mate" I laughed
"Who you get this shit from?"
"Um kind of a secret between me and him" I stroked the back of my neck, not knowing what to say.If I said who it was, I could get in deep trouble. I mean Dabi and I have kind of a relationship just to do with drugs and cigarettes and alcohol, all that. He sells it for cheep and we get high sometimes at the park, I have to go to the todorokis kingdom though. But nobody can know who I get it from, he told me not to say. I mean it's a bloody prince haha I am not going against what he says.
Me and Denki went to our bedroom and he sat on my bit of our bunk bed and we opened that bag, and well let's say it was fun as hell. We both passed out after a while, Denki going out first then me falling on top of him.
Minas pov
I just finished my shift and was going to go see if the boy's are working, Jirous out with some girl from another kingdom and Katsukis being himself a bit more defensive and quiet but still. I want to see my Sero and my boy Denki. I looked all where they normally would be in the castle, I saw a carriage outside when I walked passed the great doors and saw Katsuki leaning on the door frame (which is about 8x taller then him).
I had one more place to look really. I ran down the long halls and got to their room, I banged on the door and no answer, I knocked twice more, still no answer, I checked the door handle and it was opened. I let my self in and immediately saw Denki with his legs messily crossed while leaning forward looking like he passed out and sero was sloppily laid on top of him. I walked over to the bed and was confused was they that tired?
I shook Hanta and he moaned and flopped back, going back into his state. He uncovered a bag, a drug bag. I felt disappointed, he said to me he would stop, i don't want a boyfriend who is addicted to drugs and is always High. I don't want him like this.
You have any questions??
I hope the daily chapters are ok and doing alright, I hope they're not like overwhelming to read everyday

The two princes
FanfictionLong ago, three kingdoms were at war, Endeavor king of phoenixes, Mitsuki queen of lions, Akane king of dragons. What happens when two kingdoms decide to an arranged marriage between the two sons? In the modern world Katsuki has always been talented...