I feel like this was a short chapter😕
1952 words
Denkis pov
I put my work suit on cause I don't have any other suit and we going to that fancy horse place. One where they ride them and they go fast, eh what's it called? Ah it's like riding horse or some shit.
I came out from my room and Sero told me to go get Ejirou and Kat. I was kicked up the stairs and I began banging on katsukis door.
"COMON GUYS WERE GOING!" I looked at my wrist clock and saw the time. I can't tell the time but it's still good to check, just in case your brain suddenly wants you to read the time. Ya know?
I heard rustling on the other side of the door. I quickly got worried and opened the door, I saw both of them, hair wet. Ejirou desperately trying to find something to wear except a towel while drying his hair and Katsuki was struggling to button up his shirt. They both looked like a mess. Wait did they just-
"Heyyyyy guys. So what were you doing" I heard the shower was still running.
"In the shower again? Hmm interesting bros... did you take my advice? You feel better don't you" I nodded my head knowing I was right. Katsuki was struggling putting his trousers on and looked at me with a glare. I gave him a Denki smile and he looked at me like a confused cat looking left and right."Ejirou mate you've still got a boner. I can see it through the towel" I broke out in laughter
"I-Uh I'll be right back" he rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. "How the fuck did you fit th-" I got a belt thrown at me and I saw him getting angry
"Ok ok just wondering bro. You need to hurry up, Mitsukis gonna get impatient"
"I know, she can wait"
"Well on my wrist clock it says that we should be in the carriage right now" I flipped my fringe out my eyes and looked at him with a 'know it all' pout with my eyebrows arched.
"What? Wrist clock?" He began to snicker
"You fucking idiot. Get out, I'll hurry up"
I laughed in confusion and walked out. What's wrong with him? Is there dirt on my wrist clock? No? What's with this guy.Kendo's pov
"Mirio I thought we were going after Rei?"
"I'm not sure, Akane hasn't gave me no updates I'll ring him in a bit but we need a way to get Momo out the way and that's where you come in"
I sat on the spinning chair and turned another lamp on. We're going to kill another royal. I don't want too but my life is revolves around this, my boyfriend my bestie and my family. I would be nothing and lost with out all this.Being part of a hitman group is, stressful and damaging. I think I'm the only one who hates this. Tetsu likes it and monoma. I'm just too weak to do this, my heart hurts still from killing the prince Masaru. I don't know anyone who we plan to kill but it still hurts that we took a life just for money in return.
"Masarus funeral has been moved to a different date" I said thinking out loud as I spun on the chair.
"Togata can I please have some food, I'm starving" tamaki was begging him. I felt so sorry for the poor boy.
"No I'm working"
"MIRIO! Come here I'll go get you something, we can walk to the shops" I took his hand and I rushed him out of the door. I gave Mirio a glare before I shut the front door.Minas pov
"Hey misses B! What we going in?" I asked her
"I'll meet you all there, Katsuki can take one of his cars" she says as she got into her sport bmw with the driver already there. I watched as she gave me a little wave then the car was driving up the gravelled driveway. I watched as Denki came running out the doors and rushing down the millions of stairs and nearly falling onto the gravel. "What's the rush?" Jirou laughed
"Hehhh hooo well I basically walked in on them trying to get ready after they had shower sex" Denki was breathing heavily but I couldn't care, my baby's were having sexual intercourse! Oh they are in trouble.
"Hm shower sex, sounds good" I heard my Hanta think, hmm
"Ugrrr where are they! They should not be having sex at this time! Or their age" I folded my arms as I stomped over to the stairs waiting for them to come out.

The two princes
FanfictionLong ago, three kingdoms were at war, Endeavor king of phoenixes, Mitsuki queen of lions, Akane king of dragons. What happens when two kingdoms decide to an arranged marriage between the two sons? In the modern world Katsuki has always been talented...