Chapter 50: The forest P.6

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"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the dorms by now?" I ask as he wouldn't look at me. But I did see his face was red.

"Talk about yourself, this is the way to the boys dorm you moron, and put some clothes on..." He whispered out as i tilt my head in confusion.

"Ah i see, I'm still seeing things hehe." I laugh as little while rubbing my head making him look at my FACE still a little red but confused.

"Bakuhoe just whispered! What a mind i have..." I laugh as i close my eyes and start spinning while holding my hand out. I almost fell but he caught me as i opened my eyes looking in the direction i was pointing in leading to another hallway.

"This way I go then!" I say out loud as i start walking in that direction. Crashing into the wall on the way.

"I see your still out of it." He said while i looked back at imaginary bakuhoe.

"Wow i never knew imaginary bakuhoe would be starring at my ass, guess i was wrongggggg~" I say while turning around again to start walking in the direction.

"...Unbelievable." He grumbled as i felt him grab my arm and start tugging me the opposite way i was going.

"The girls are this way dumbass." I just start laughing as i let him tug me the way there meanwhile i took notice how he was in a loose black shirt and black shorts.

"Hey imaginary Bakuhoe."

He grumbles

"...Are you lonely?" He stops tugging us and turns toward me raising a brow in confusion.

"You always have that resting bitch face so people cant tell when your sad or actually angry." He takes some deep breaths to stay calm.

"But, i can.... I dont knowwww anymoreeeeee feeeelingggggsssss dont make senseeeee rightttt nowwwwwwwwwwww! I sleep now." He sighs as I drop dead and start softly snoring as he picked me up bridal as he softly smiled down at me first before continuing on. Unfortunately they ran into a Shoto. Shoto raises his brows at his "Best friend" asleep in an assholes arms.

"What do you think your doing?" Shoto then crosses his arms.

"Shhhh, you'll wake her~" Bakuhoe smirked.

+1 Bakuhoe

"Where are you taking her." Shoto whispered as he tried to stand taller to assert dominance.

Bakuhoe only smirked non-effective

+0 Shoto

"Taking her to bed~" Oh no

"Oh yessss~" Bubbles and froggo were around the corner of the hallway peeking in on this drama.

"No you don't" Shoto said while taking me from Bakuhoe's reluctant arms.

+2 Shoto

"Touch her again i dare you."

"Wanna FigHT!" Shoto then 'shhhhh'ed' bakuhoe mockingly

-1 Bakuhoe

"She's mine Icy hot, she doesn't need you and your daddy problems to ruin her life."

-2 Shoto

"And she doesn't need an ass hole to abuse her."

+1 Shoto

Bubbles decided that this was enough.

As she turned to Froggo. "Just run and scream, dont ask questions, just do what i say." Froggo nodded as They both started running for their life's while screaming, "AIZAWA'S COMING!" As they ran between Bakuhoe and Shoto. They both don't ask questions as the start running for their life's towards the dorms.

Once Bakuhoe and Shoto were inside the door, only then did they start breathing like humans and take knowledge that Shoto still had Agatha in his arms. And that every boy had their full attention on the two.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME! AIZAWAS COMING! HELP ME HIDE HER!" The boys started running around to their respected beddings as fast as they can.

Shoto looked at Bakuhoe as they both reluctantly nod, they must team up in order to be safe from the Aizawa. As Shoto ran to his sleeping bag kicking Kaminari in the head.



Shoto did a baseball slide into his blankets and laid down Agatha then put the blanket on top of her.

Unfortunately- *cough cough* I mean FORTUNATELY Bakuhoe was right next to Shoto as Agatha was right in the middle of them as Shoto got under the blankets too and hugged Agatha to hide her from the doors view as a Bakuhoe threw his blanket over Agatha and himself too as he laid sideways facing the two with a snarl. Then the lights cut out as Lida turned them off.

" Just for you all know I highly don't approve of her being in here!" He shouted out that caused us all to shhhhhhh him.

"Guys, we should just take her to the dorms in order to get into less trouble-"

"Shut up Deku!" Bakuhoe tried whisper shouting and ya know it was progress!

Everything was quiet as everyone held their breaths as they heard foot steps outside.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god."

"Kaminari! Keep it together man!"


"SHHHHHHHHHHH!" All was quiet again in this realistic horror as the door slowly opened to the thing that was call our reaper.

Mr. Aizawa

All shut their eyes and steadied their breathing to act asleep as they felt his stare all around the room.
Seeing as nothing was wrong. He closed the door as all heard his footsteps. Slowly.... retreating...

When nothing was heard we all started breathing again as we all tried to go to sleep. However one duo seemed to be wide awake as they were harboring a girl, in a boy dorm, not to mention that said girl was passed out and delusional while hanging on tightly to said boy who's only her 'best friend' blushing like crazy and said another boy who was getting jealous by the minute.

In this silent constant war, one trying to slowly inch her closer to him while the other holding strong with keeping her near. At last, all the exhaustion from the day came up to them as eventually one said boy silently won while the other was fast asleep in another's arms.

'Beautiful' Shoto thought as he pushed the hair behind the sleeping girls ears as he held her close and fell asleep,

'Comfy' Bakuhoe sleepily thought as an arm of his best bro was unconsciously over his waist as the two boys fell asleep with another.

Unaware of the dangers ahead.

By this time tomorrow...

Not all will be present.

( 1,066 words )

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