Chapter 58: The Dark side

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"Mr. Aizawa theres some things you and the hero's need to know now!"


The hero's ran all over the room at the news that was foretold by Shoto Todoroki. There were many bombs and apparently the entire pop tart existence was threatened.

Along with peoples lives of course.

the police was going crazy,

The hero's were like what the hell are we supposed to do against a fucking dragon!?

And Hawks didn't really help sense he was in some sort of trance about "I have found mother bird-" or some crap like that.

The students on the other hand, they were devastated having only the knowledge that they're beloved classmate is forced into being the enemy.


The happy cheery son of a bitch was hopping around Izuku Midorya as they were on their way to the cafeteria.

"IZUUUUUUUU!" She whined as Midorya had question marks over his head.

quickly he checked all his pockets to make sure he still had his money. When indeed he still had it he was even more confused at the bitch.

"I have a question thats been bugging me." Izuku slowly nodded as he paid caution towards her next words sense the female has been known to have no shame.

"Why do you call bakuhoe, Kacchan?" His eyes sparkled as all earlier caution was thrown out the window as he tugged on his bag while smiling wide.

"Well Kacchan and I were childhood friends and that was the nickname I had for him! Although now he thinks of it as i'm trying to look down at him..." Ignoring the sad atmosphere the girl started laughing.

"As disgustingly sweet as that is, I'll be using the name Kacchan to throughly piss him off!"


"He can try!"

Unnoticed by the two a certain blond was around the corner listening.

~End of Flashback~


Agatha's pos:

I really want to tear this guy a new one. as soon as we got back we were somewhere new. Damn it.

This was a mansion, smaller then mom mom's. With all dark colors and maids that were scarred.

As we entered I growled as he got off and lead me to the center of the room where the temperature dropped dramatically.

Fuck, as I transform back I crossed my arms together as I glared daggers at the 4 for $4 man.

"HAHAHA DONT look at me that way! pet~" f### ##u m###########!

^^^ Censoring credited by Aizawa's 23 cats. ^^^

"Sir, I beileve-"

"You dont have to tell me what shes thinking steve."

Steve? What a-

'Make fun of my name I dare you.'


'I read minds remember? I can also talk to you this way'

'This seems like important information I should've known earlier.'

'Yeah well fuck you I do what I want'

"Is there a problem?" nuisance #1 asked aka. 4 for $4.

"He's fucking my mind." Nuisance #1 laughed as Nuisance #2 paled in disgust, aka. Mind fucker.

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