Part 1

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I wake up late, only to find Nico isn't beside me. I sit up in his bed and yawn, looking around his cabin before I find him sitting on the top bunk of Hazel's bed, looking at himself in a small mirror, trying to fix his hair. 
'What you doing up there?' I ask. He instantly drops the mirror, but he knows I've seen him.
'I look like a bloody idiot.' He says, 'an undercut? Really? I'm just going to shave it all off.'
'Don't you dare.' I say, a little too quickly. He looks down at me and smiles a little, 'What? I like it. I think you look cute.'
'Cute isn't really my style.' He says, jumping down from the bed and moving in beside me.
'Well fine then, you look incredibly hot too.' I say, unflinching. He smiles and goes a little red.
'Okay.' He says, 'I'll keep it.'
'I greatly appreciate it.' I say, reaching up and running my hands through his hair. As I do, he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back for a moment before leaning back, 'no, stop. I have bad breathe.'
'So do I.' He says, leaning in again.
'Nope. That can wait.' I say, getting out of bed as he flops back into bed, groaning. He lies there as I start getting ready for the day. I brush my teeth, get changed, all the time he remains under his duvet, 'come on, I'm hungry.' I say, forcing him out of bed. In his daze, he pulls on one of my shirts, which is much too big for him. He looks down and smiles a little, reading what it says, 'no, not apples! My biggest weakness!' He reads aloud. Alongside it is a picture of a doctor cowering in fear. One of my younger siblings had gotten it for me for my birthday. I smile and nod, only to see Nico staring at me with raised eyebrows, 'really?'
'What? It's funny.'
'I'm not wearing this.' He says, going to take it off, but I stop him instantly.
'No, no. Please. This might be the best you've ever looked in your life. Wear it? For me?' He let's out a sigh and then shrugs.
'Fine.' He says. He pulls on some trousers and tucks the shirt in so it isn't so stupidly long, brushes his teeth, then takes my hand as we go outside.
Other people are just waking up too, mostly heading towards the dining area.
'Hold on a sec, your slings coming loose.' I say, stopping him and retying it.
'I hate this.' He says, frustrated. It's only been two weeks since he broke his arm, and it should be healed relatively soon, but the fact he can't train and do many physical activities is really getting to him. His ADHD mostly comes out in his need to move about, and it's impossible to make him focus when he's been made to sit still for two weeks.
'I know.' I say, taking his hand again as we continue walking, 'it shouldn't be much longer.'
'It's basically healed. Can't you just take it off?' He asks.
'That's not really how it works.' I say.
'Will, I'm so bored.' He says, sitting at the Poseidon table next to Percy, and slumping his head against the table.
'Hey man, how's the arm?' Percy asks, patting him on the back.
'Ugh.' Is all he says.
'He's getting antsy.' I say, sitting opposite Percy.
'The cast still can't come off?' He asks me.
'No, he's still got another week, probably.' I say. Nico bangs his head against the table over and over.
'Stop, you might reck your stitches.' I say. Percy pulls Nico up to stop him hitting his head.
'Look. Okay. I've got a preposition.' Percy says, looking warily at me for a second before turning to Nico.
'What?' He asks.
'Chiron's approved another chariot race.' Percy says, 'join my team. I mean, as long as you guys weren't planning on teaming up.'
Nico perks up a little, but looks to me.
'Is that okay?' He asks me.
'Yeah of course! Kayla, Reve and I don't really have time to do that. We leave it to the others. I think you should do it!' I say.
I can see Nico liven up in front of me. This is exactly what he needed.
'I thought you usually went with Annabeth?' Nico asks.
'Her and Piper are teaming together. She got bored of me wrecking her chances of winning.' He explains.
'Well, I'm in. I don't care. I'm so bored, I'll do anything.' Nico says.
'That's the spirit.' He says back. They both sit still, staring at their meals.
'You guys want to go start now, don't you?' I say, putting my cutlery down.
'Yes.' Percy says instantly.
'Do you mind?' Nico asks.
'Go.' I say, rolling my eyes. Percy is out of his seat in an instant. Nico leans over the table and kisses me quickly before following after Percy.
'Thank you. Love you. I'll see you later.'
'See you later.' I say back. Almost as soon as they're gone, Piper sits down in front of me.
'Hi!' I say, surprised.
'Hey.' She says, brightly, 'Nico ditch you?'
'Little bit.' I say.
'Well great. I've been waiting for our chance to become friends. And that time is now. We're hanging out.'
'We are?' I ask.
'We are. Let's go. We can talk about Nico.' She says, excited. She stands up and I follow her.
'Okay. Sure. Why not?' I say. I've always wanted to be friends with Nico's friends. And I do enjoy talking about Nico.
'I'm absolutely living for his hair at the moment.' She says, 'an undercut suits him.'

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