Part 5

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My head is heavy and I've got a pounding headache when I open my eyes.
'Morning.' Nico says, passing me some water, 'drink.'
I take the glass and drink the water without question, 'how'd you feel?'
'Bad.' I say, 'I hate this.'
'Reve was just here, apparently your fever's gotten way worse.' He says, 'you're meant to keep drinking water.'
'Yeah, thanks.' I say, finishing the water off.
'And you're meant to eat. I got you a croissant, here.' He says, passing it to me.
'No thanks. Not hungry.' I say.
'You haven't eaten since yesterday.' He insists, 'eat.'
'I really don't...' I stop speaking, and Nico looks concerned.
'You okay?'
'I'm going to throw up.' I say, simply. Nico quickly grabs a bin and hands it to me just in time.
'You're okay.' He says, his hand on my back, holding the bin for me.
'Sorry.' I say, sitting up a little.
'You good?' He asks.
'Fine. I'm good.' I say, moving the bin away, 'sorry.'
'No it's fine.' He insists, 'you okay for a sec if I go grab Reve?'
'Yeah, I'm fine.'
Nico rushes off to go grab Reve, leaving me to lean back in my bed. I'm still shivering, and everything aches.
'I heard you threw up.' Reve says, casually. He instantly starts to check on my temperature, 'how do you feel?'
'Cold. Everything aches. Tired. Sweaty. Sick.' I say, closing my eyes to keep the light out.
'Sounds fun.' He says, checking through the different medicines. I go to say something, but end up coughing uncontrollably.
'Get some more water.' Reve tells Nico, and he rushes off quickly, 'you've got a sore throat?'
'A little.' I say, hardly listening to anything he's saying.
'Yeah.' I say, nodding, 'can you just give me my drugs, Reve? Really just want to go to sleep.'
'I think you have a cold.' He says.
'I do have the flu.'
'You can have both.' He insists.
'Hypothetically you can.' I say, 'it's basically impossible.'
'Just be ill, okay. I hate treating you, you're worse than Kayla.'
'Cmon, Kayla sucks.' I say, 'She always disagrees with my diagnoses...oh. Right. Got it.'
'Yep. Just don't argue, okay?'
'Okay. Yes. Fine.' I say, 'point taken.'
'How is he?' Nico asks when he returns with the water.
'He's got a cold too.' Reve explains.
'I'm fine.' I insist, but Nico just hands me the water and keeps talking to Reve.
'Is that bad?' He asks, 'I mean, having them both?'
'It's not great.' Reve explains, 'he's basically just going to be incredibly weak for a while. It's only really life threatening if he has pre-existing health conditions, which he doesn't-'
'Hold on, life threatening?!' Nico asks, 'I thought this was the flu? What do you mean life threatening?!'
'Way to go Reve.' I say, 'Nico, I'm-'
'You rest.' He says, and turns back to Reve, 'how do you know he's going to be okay?'
'Nico, you're just going to have to trust me on this, okay? I've got all of Will's medical history, I've handled hundreds of flus and hundreds of colds. He'll be okay.' Reve reassures Nico.
'Nico, I'll be fine.' I say, taking his hand, 'just let Reve do his thing.'
'He'll be fine, Nico, I promise.' Reve says, handing him two pills, 'but you should also try to keep your distance. I know you haven't had cold or flu before, and your immune system is already pretty bad, seeing as you're...y'know...'
'Born seventy years ago, I get it.' Nico says, 'it's not a secret. But I'm not leaving Will.'
'Nico. I'll be fine. Go work on the chariot with Percy.' I say, 'I'll just be sleeping.'
'What if you need something?' He asks, not letting go of my hand.
'Then Reve will get it for me. There are like, two other people here. I'll be fine.' I say, 'honestly. Go. I'll be okay.'
'Are you sure?' He asks.
'Yeah, for sure. Anyway, if anything happened to me, you'd murder Reve so...' I say.
'Noted.' Reve says.
'He'll be okay?' Nico asks Reve.
'He'll be okay. You can go.' He reassures Nico.
'Alright.' Nico says, nodding. He leans down and kisses me on the cheek, 'love you. Just rest, okay?'
'Love you too. Have fun building your chariot.' I say. He leaves hesitantly.
'Gods, that boy loves the hell out of you.' Reve says, shaking his head.
'He sure does.' I say, curling up under Nico's duvet.
'I've never seen you liking someone this much.' He says, 'you really like him, don't you?'
'Love him. Yeah.' I say, closing my eyes and nodding.
'It's nice. You seem really happy.' He says.
'I am.' I say.
'Alright. I won't keep you up. Go to sleep. Shout when you wake up, okay?' He says, but I don't reply, already falling asleep.

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