Part 24

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I find Leo sitting by the beach. His nose is bleeding again and looks broken.
'Jesus, Leo, what happened?' I ask, kneeling in front of him and checking him over.
'Had a chat with Nico. No biggy.' He says, shrugging. He tries to smile a little but ends up hurting himself more.
'Come to the water, I can help.' I say. We go to the edge of the lake and I put on hand on Leo's cheek, the other in the water, and close my eyes.
'Gods that's better.' He says, 'handy trick.'
'It has its uses.' I say, 'what happened?'
'I tried to apologise. It didn't go well.' He explains.
'He punched you?'
'Just once, but really hard. I did not think he was that strong.'
'It's deceptive, I know.' I say. He laughs a little.
'I don't know how I'm going to get him to forgive me. Gods, Percy, I have no idea what happened.' He says, shaking his head, 'Will's definitely okay?'
'He's fine.' I reassure him.
'Thank Gods. I don't know what I would have done...I could have killed him, Percy, Christ.' He says.
'But you didn't.' I say.
'But I could have. What if I do it again? How do I know I won't?'
'You won't.'
'You can't know that, Percy.' He insists.
'Okay, Fine. You can stay with me until we figure out what's up with you. I'm way stronger than you and I can easily take you in a fight.' I say.
'I wouldn't say easily.'
'Yeah okay, fine.' He says, 'Nico's not going to forgive me though.'
'Give him time.' I say.
'Man, you didn't se him. He was an inch away from straight up murder.' He says.
'Nico's always an inch away from straight up murder.'
'You're not wrong.'
'Let me talk to him.' I say, 'I'll talk him round.'
'Thanks.' He says, 'I'm guessing Will's never going to like me now.'
'It's not looking good.' I say, smiling. He lets out a groan and leans back, staring into the sky.
'I wish I could remember my girlfriend.' He says, 'I bet she's so great.'
'She's one of the good ones.' I say, 'we'll figure out what's up with you. Just a matter of time.'

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