Part 33

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We all drive in silence. I'm in the passenger seat next to Percy, staring out the window. Annabeth, Will and Leo are in the back.
We're driving for hours before Percy makes a quick pit stop.
'Alright load up.' He says, turning round only to find all three of them have fallen asleep. Annabeth is in the middle, leaning against Leo, and Will leans on her. They're deep asleep, 'nevermind.' He says, 'you want anything?'
'Coffee.' I say.
'Sure thing.' He goes in and gets petrol and coffee for me. I consider waking Will up, but he looks so peaceful that I just let him sleep.
'Here.' Percy says handing me the coffee, 'cappuccino right?'
'Yeah.' I say, taking a sip.
'You avoiding sleep?' He asks, starting the car up and driving off again. My reflex, as always, is to be angry at his intrusive question. But it's Percy. So I answer.
'Have you ever seen me like that?' I ask.
'No.' He says, simply.
'Neither have I. So just...just imagine how much worse it's going to be when I go to sleep. It's like all the process I'd made since leaving that place broke on seeing them.' I say.
'I get it. I do.' He says, 'but don't be stupid about this. If you avoid sleep like you want to, then eventually you're going to pass out. And then it's going to be so much worse.'
I don't say anything. Just take another sip.
'Look,' He says, keeping his eyes on the road but glimpsing at me briefly, 'Will is the best thing that's happened to you. Ever. You've got to use him. Talk to him. Let him help you with this. You know the nightmares are going to be worse, so let him help you. He wants to help.'
'I know.' I say, bluntly. For a moment I wonder what qualifies him to give me relationship advice, but then I realise his and Annabeth's relationship is possibly the best one I've seen. They're a little codependent, sure, but they support each other, they care about each other, and they agree on the fundamentals.
'Want to play I-spy?' Percy asks, making a blunt change in conversation.
'Sure.' I say. Sometime I enjoy going along with people and going against all expectations. I know he expects me to say no.
'What? I was joking. Do you seriously want to play?
He asks, surprised.
'What else are we going to do? There's like two hours left.' I say.
'Well hey, who knew. Okay. Okay, I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with S.'
'Is it the sea?' I ask.
'Yeah it's the sea.'

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