Part 22

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I stay by Will's side for almost three days. He's in and out of consciousness, but Kayla insists he'll be fine. She also insists that if I don't have a shower she'll ban me from the infirmary, so reluctantly I leave Will's side for the first time in three days.
I step outside, and the first thing I see is Leo. His face is cleaned up, but still bruised. He's clearly been waiting outside for me.
'Nico, oh my Gods.' He says, hurrying up to me. Before he can say anything else, I punch him as hard as I can in the jaw. Just once. He coils over and clutches his face, 'Man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I have no idea what happened. I blanked man. I'm sorry.' Is he okay?'
'You were going to kill him.' I say, slowly and quietly.
'It wasn't me. I have no idea what happened. He says again.
'He would be dead. You would have killed him.' I repeat, 'don't go near him. Don't talk to him, stay away from the infirmary. I don't care if it was you or not. I don't care.'
'Nico, Gods, I'm sorry.' He tries again.
'If you hurt him again, I will kill you.' I say. And I know how dark it sounds, but I can't stop myself. Just the thought of Will dead makes me go back to my dark place.
Leo steps back then. He doesn't try to argue. He lets me go past him and back to my cabin. I shower for ten minutes and then go back to Will's side.

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