Part 11

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I sleep on and off for a couple hours. I keep having nightmares and waking myself up. After a while I give up and just lie in bed with my eyes shut.
Will comes in after a while, but I bury my head in my pillow not wanting to face his optimism.
'Nico.' He says, lightly. He gently shakes me, 'Nico I know you're awake. You don't sleep that still.'
'Go away.' I moan, my voice muffled by the pillow.
'I got your garden sorted.'
'I'll see it tomorrow.' I say.
'Are you going to make me carry you out?' He asks, deadly serious.
'Will, don't. Seriously.' But he's already in the motion of picking me up. I could easily get out of his hold, but I can't even be bothered to try. I just let him carry me outside to a small, greenhouse-like garden.
Instantly I feel more awake.
'Wow.' I say, stretching my hands out.
'You feel better?'
'So much. Wow.' I say, 'I didn't realise...'
'Yeah, you never do.' He says, sitting down beside me.
'Sorry.' I say, looking up at him.
'Don't mention it.' He says, 'so you think Persephone's giving you some healing powers?'
'Maybe a couple. I definitely feel better for being outside. I just didn't realise until I'd been inside for so long.'
'Makes sense.' He nods. He checks his watch absentmindedly.
'You have to go, don't you.'
'No, it's okay.'
'Will, I'll be okay. I feel better.' I insist, 'you can go.'
'You sure you'll be okay?' He asks.
'I'm sure.' I lean over to kiss him before he leaves me to my new garden.

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