Part 46

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I don't think. I just charge at him. With everything I have. I know I'll likely die. Truly die. But all I have right now is anger.
He's clearly surprised. He wasn't expecting it. But he's still stronger than me. Still older and more experienced. He deflects my attacks with ease.
'You really choose to fight me?' He asks, 'try to kill me? When you know you have no chance?'
I try to ignore him, try to get my shot in. He manages to easily cut me in harmless places. The arm, the thigh. The ear. He isn't trying to hurt me.
'Answer me.' He knocks the sword out of my hand. He holds his own to my neck. It's cold and I feel it cutting in ever so slightly.
'Kill me.' I say.
'Nico!' Will yells. I turn to him, but Hades raises his hand and silenced him. Will falls to his knees, unable to get to me.
'Answer me.' He repeats.
'I'd rather die than do anything for you.' I say. I spit at his chest. Carefully he wipes it off.
'I suppose that's the Italian in you.' He says.
'The only good thing in me.' I say. I wish I was all my mother. I wish I weren't him at all. I stare at him again, 'you'll have to kill me.'
'Why would you rather die?' He asks, 'die over stay here?'
'You have ruined me.' I say, careful to say it slowly, so he hears everything I say, 'ruined.' I repeat.
'Your life was always ruined.' He says.
'Because of you. My mother died because of you. My sister died because of you. You kept us in that...that time warp.' I say, 'you try to tell me that I'll never be happy alive because it's not who I am, but it is. It's you who's ruined me. You.'
'You think you' think you're truly happy? Truly content alive after everything?' He asks. He sounds dismissive and amused but a little curious too.
'I know I am.' I say, 'and I will die before I let you ruin me here too.' I look to Will. He's still fighting against the invisible barrier my father has put up. He yells, but no sound comes out, 'just let him go. If not for my sake, then for yours. His father will come for you when he's a god again. You'll have another enemy. Please.'
He stares at me. His sword still sharp and cold against my neck. I wait. Watch.
He drops his sword.
'Leave.' He says. I stare at him still. My mind moves too fast for me to keep up, but I'm still. I don't move.
'What are you doing?' I ask quietly.
'Leave.' He says again. He sounds angry. Mad. He waves his hand past Will and I can finally hear him say my name. He runs towards me and falls in my arms. I have one arm around him, the other quickly recovering my sword.
I stare at him still, but Will clutches my arm. He brings me back to my senses. I need to get him free. I don't have time to wonder if this is a trap or not. I take Will by the hand and hurry away with him. Away from my father. Out of Hell.

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