Part 12

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It's crazy how much better I feel after spending just a couple hours outside. The grass around me grows taller without me realising. Flowers pop up wherever I put my hands. It feels so much stronger than when everything would die around me.
Will brings me my dinner and runs tests and tells me I'll be allowed out by tomorrow.
'Chiron even pushed the chariot race a couple days back for you.' Will says.
'He did? To when?' I ask.
'What? That sucks?'
'Hey, it's better than yesterday.' He counters. I roll my eyes but don't argue back, 'besides, Percy's been working non-stop on your chariot. I think you really stand a chance in coming second.'
'Well, obviously my siblings are going to win.' Will says, casually.
'I always forget how competitive you get.'
'I'm not competitive.'
'Oh yeah? Capture the flag? When you literally drugged me?'
'Ohhh. Oh yeah. No yeah, I'm competitive.' He says, finally agreeing.
'Alright well. You're going to have to go.' I say, to his surprise.
'Well if I want to win, which I do, I need to figure out what other powers I've got and figure out how I can use them to completely wreck your siblings.' I say, 'no offence.'
'Have fun growing me flowers.' He says, laughing.
'Uhuh. Sure. You'll see.' I say. He leans down and kisses me and I kiss him quickly back.
'Have fun with nature.' Will says as he leaves the garden.
'Have fun with sick people!' I shout back.

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