Part 36

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It's getting dark as Percy and I sit outside, watching everyone at work. Will is checking in with the medical centre to see if they've had any breakthroughs or new ideas. He's a huge nerd for that stuff. So I left him to it, happy knowing Leo is with Reyna and Hazel.
'It's weird being back here.' Percy says, 'don't you think it's weird?'
'You study here.' I say, 'you basically live here.'
'No, I know. I mean like...with everyone. Like I still remember when I first got here. I recognised you, didn't I?' He asks.
'Not really. You seemed more aware of me. But maybe that's just because I was acting weird around you.'
'Maybe. I don't know.' He says.
'Would you have done the same?' I ask.
'Would you have told me? If you'd known about Hera's plans and the roles were reversed. Would you have told me?'
'I...I don't know. I don't know if I'd be able to keep something from you.' He says. 'Not because I'm better than you or anything. Just cause you scared me.'
'I don't scare you.' I say, rolling my eyes.
'You did! You were freaky. And you barely spoke, and you hated me for a long time.'
'I never hated you.' I say.
'Felt like you did.' He says, 'but I don't know. I don't know. I think you did the right thing, in the long run. It needed to be done. But if it happens again, just tell me, okay?'
'Deal.' I say.
I hear footsteps and turn to see Will approaching with handfuls of medical equipment.
'Will you can't just take it.' I say, laughing a little.
'They gave it to me, Nico.' He insists, 'I didn't-'
His eyes narrow at Percy, 'You okay?' He asks him.
Percy stands up and moves over a little.
'Percy?' I ask. He puts his hand in his pocket and takes out riptide.
'Will run.' I say.
'Run.' I insist. He starts running, and Percy goes after him. I shadow travel between them and cut Percy off. He attacks me, driving riptide into my leg. I don't have my sword on me, so I'm forced to fight with my hands.
I grab hold of his arm and bend it round. He drops to his knees, but manages to flip me over onto the floor.
He holds riptide above me, and I use all my strength to stop him driving it into my heart.
'Percy!' I yell, 'Percy, for God's sake!'
I manage to flip him over. He hits his head but gets up quickly. Blood drips onto his shirt. He tightens his grip around riptide and I realise I won't win without my sword. Not if he has one too.  I see Will hovering a little while away.
'Will, go!' I shout.
I dodge him quickly as I make my mind up. I know I need my sword. And I know where I left it. He goes to stab me again and I shadow travel to the main hall where Reyna hosts a meeting. Without explaining I grab my sword and shadow travel back to where I left Percy.
He's quick to readjust. We fight again and I take the upper hand. I'm stronger than him. And I'm better with a sword. He won't stop. He's making his way closer to Will.
I roll behind him and cut behind his knees. He drops to the floor and I take his momentary weekends to hit him on the head with the flat of my sword. He falls forward on his stomach, out cold.
'Are You okay?' Will asks, rushing over to me. He checks the cut on my leg.
'You're bleeding, Nico.' He says.
'He's worse. Help him.' I say, gesturing to Percy. Reluctantly, Will starts addressing Percy's wounds. He's badly hurt, but he'll survive.
'Come on.' I say, holding out my hand to Will.
'We're shadow travelling.'
'Like hell we are.' He says, keeping his hand away, 'you're hurt and weak, you're not shadow travelling.'
'I need to get to the medical centre and we need someone to come help Percy.' I explain.
'Then I'll go get someone.' He says.
'No way. Anyone could try hurt you. I'm not taking that risk.' I say.
'And I'm not risking you shadow travelling.' He says.
'Too bad.' I say. I lurch forward and grab his wrist, shadow travelling to outside the medical centre.
Reyna is close by, having come looking for me when I came for my sword with no explanation.
She rushes over to us as I clutch onto Will for support.
'You idiot.' He says to me, holding me up.
'What happened?' Reyna asks, 'I've got everyone looking for you. What happened?!'
'Percy attacked me.' Will explains, 'Nico fought him. Percy's back up the hill. He's hurt, he'll be okay but he needs medical attention.'
'He needs people with him.' I say, already feeling myself losing energy, 'more than you. Anyone could hurt him. He needs people to protect him.' I turn to him, feeling myself drifting off and desperately wanting to stay awake to protect him, 'you need people.' I say.
'I'll be okay. It's okay.' He says, reassuring me as he realises what's happening, 'I'll get other people too. Not just Reyna.'
'Not just Reyna.' I echo. I lean against him fully, all my weight on him. He holds me and picks me up when I finally pass out.

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