Part 27

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'Does it fit?' I call to Nico. He's trying on Reve's old suits as he had none of his own. I've just changed into my one.
'I think so.' He says. I'm straitening my tie in the mirror, so I don't him at first.
'How does it look?' He asks, and I turn around. And he looks incredible. I've always known Nico is attractive, but he looks unbelievable in a suit. It fits him perfectly. All I can do is stare, 'I look ridiculous, Gods.' He starts taking off his jacket.
'No! No, no, no. No.' I say, rushing over to him and pulling the jacket back on, 'you look...really good. Really good.'
'You think?' He asks, rolling his shoulders. He tries to stretch out, 'I won't be able to fight with the jacket on. It's too restrictive.'
'You can take it off if you have to fight. But, Gods, Nico. You should wear a suit everyday.' I say, still staring at him. His hair is combed back, tucked behind his ears. He looks so together.
'You look pretty dashing yourself.' He says, flicking the end of my tie, 'except your tie is an absolute mess. Did you tie an actual knot at the top?'
'I tied it. I watched a YouTube clip.' I say, defending myself.
'Look, let me.' He says, and turns me round to to the tie for me. He does it perfectly.
'How do you know how to do this?' I ask, surprised.
'We had to wear ties at my old school. Back in the good old days.' He says the last bit sarcastically as he finishes of the tie. It sits perfectly, 'if you didn't tie it perfectly, you'd get punished. So I'm pretty good at tying ties.'
'Right.' I say, hating hearing about his experiences at that awful school. Getting into trouble is part of Nico's character, so I can't imagine how many times he had to be punished at that school.
'Pass me one.' He says, and I chuck him a black tie. He starts tying it, 'alright, just my sword.' I hand him his sword too, and he attaches it on his waist.
'You ready?' I ask, and he nods. I can't get over how incredible he looks.
'Think so.' He says, 'you?'
'As ever.'

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