Part 14

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'What the fuck?' I say, standing up and starting to pace, 'actually, what the fuck? You don't remember? You seriously don't remember?'
'You think I'm lying?' Leo asks.
'Kinda?' I reply, 'I don't exactly trust you.'
'You don't trust me?' He asks, offended.
'You seriously don't remember?' I ask again.
'Well where's Calypso? Apollo?' I ask.
'Apollo? Um. I don't know? Mount Olympus?' He replies, confused. 'And I have no idea who Callipo is.'
'Calypso. Your girlfriend. Calypso.'
'I have a girlfriend?'
'What the hell?' I ask, 'what was the last thing you remember?'
' were definitely...and...' He muddles his way through his head, 'holy shit, I have no idea.'
'Hey! Hey, you okay?' Percy yells, running over.
'Fine. I'm fine. It was Leo.'
'What?' He asks.
'Leo was the one falling. He doesn't remember anything.'
'Hey, I remember Percy, obviously.' Leo jumps up and into Percy's arms, 'I missed you man! I mean, apparently I don't remember if I missed you but I feel like I would have.'
'I...missed you too? You don't remember anything?' He asks.
'I remember faces. I don't know. It's foggy.' He explains.
'Nico!' I turn and see Will sprinting over.
'Will, I'm fine. It's fine.' I assure him, but he stills runs full speed until he gets to me.
'Did you black out? Does anywhere hurt?' He asks, instantly checking me over.
'Will, I'm fine.' I insist.
'You swear?'
'I swear.' He reluctantly takes my answer and kisses me quickly.
'Woah. Woah, woah, woah. What's this?' Leo says, pointing to me and Will.
'What's going on?' Will asks, looking at me.
'You don't remember Will?' I ask.
'You're gay?!' He asks, bewildered.
'Oh Christ. I thought I was done with this.' I sigh, 'yes. I'm gay. This is my boyfriend. Will. How do you not remember this?'
'You don't remember me?' Will asks.
'It's not personal, man, apparently I don't remember my own girlfriend.' He says, shrugging. He's typically relaxed about it.
'No, I mean, you might have a concussion. Like, a really bad one. For this kind of memory loss...' he goes up to Leo and starts looking at his eyes, pulling his eyelids up.
'Nico can you tell your boy toy to ease up a little.' Leo asks.
'I hate you.' Is all I say.
'I need him in the infirmary. I need to figure out if this is medical or magical.' Will says, oblivious to anything anyone else says, 'one I can help with. The other, not so much.'

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