Part 32

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Somehow Leo's plan worked. Worked would be an overstatement. It got us out of our first problem and landed us in another.
Leo convinced each girl the others were talking about them and caused a huge fight between them, resulting in a lot of fighting and a lot of murder. And the mist can only work so hard. And as Leo finished off the last girl, multiple people and definitely called the police.
'What now?' I ask, aware of everyone keeping their distance.
'Maybe run.' He offers. But before we do, Percy comes barging into the dance hall.
'It's Nico.' He says, and in an instance me and Leo and running after him, down the corridor and into a classroom.
'I think he's having a panic attack.' Annabeth offers as I lean down beside him. Nico is doubles over, his hands pressed against his eyes, rocking back and forth slightly. He breathes fast and heavily.
'Okay, you guys wait outside. He needs space.' I say.
They don't argue, and they're out in a second. I stroke Nico's back gently, 'Hey honey. It's me. It's Will. You're safe. You're safe and no one can hurt you, okay?'
He rests his head in my lap and clutches onto my jacket. He's shaking.
'Take your time.' I say, 'there's no rush. You're okay.' I say again. I keep reminding him that he's safe.
I keep holding him and talking to him until he's still and breathing normally again.
'You feeling better?' I ask gently.
'They were from Tartarus.' He says quietly, 'and she was there in the labyrinth.'
'Who?' I ask.
'Kelly. She was there.' He tenses up again just talking about it.
'It's okay. They're gone. You're not in Tartarus anymore and you're not in the labyrinth. You're here with me.' I say.
He relaxed slightly. I take his hand in mine and stroke his hair behind his ear. He closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing. I notice a couple cuts and scrapes bleeding through his jacket, but nothing urgent. I stay as I am, holding him and making sure he knows he's safe.

Solangelo 4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon