Part 15

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'So you're like...fully Nico's boyfriend.' Leo says sitting on the edge of an infirmary bed. I made everyone else leave so I could do a full, uninterrupted test.
'Uhuh.' I reply. I'm distracted, running light across his eyes and seeing how they react. I'm not fully paying attention to him. He was never my favourite of Nico's friends.
'I wonder if he ever had a crush on me.' He says. Instantly I stop what I'm doing. I turn the light off.
'Are you kidding?' I ask.
'You seriously think he had a crush on you?' I ask again.
'Maybe. I don't know.'
'Just cause he's gay doesn't mean he likes every guy he comes across.'
'That's not what I meant.'
'You think like that about Annabeth? Or Piper?' I ask. I'm surprised how much he's annoyed me.
'I didn't think. I didn't mean to offend you.' He insists.
'It's fine.' I say, 'and I can assure you he doesn't, and has never, had a crush on you.'
'Lovely.' He says. I continue checking him over in silence.
After a couple more minutes, Annabeth pokes her head round the curtain.
'Are you done? Can I come in yet?' She asks.
'I'm done.' I say. Instantly Annabeth runs over and hugs Leo.
'God I missed you.' She says, then turns to me, 'Is he okay? Does he have a concussion?'
'No concussion. He's physically fine. His ego's a little too big.'
'So he's his usual self.' Annabeth confirms.
'What's this about a big ego?' Nico asks, walking in.
'Nothing.' I say. He comes over and kisses me on the cheek quickly. He doesn't push it.
'So I'm okay?' Leo asks.
'There isn't any medical explanation for your memory loss.' I confirm.
'So you're saying it's some voodoo stuff. Gods and all.' Leo asks.
'Most likely.'
'Hera again?' Nico asks, 'like she did with Jason and Percy?'
'Gods I swear, if this was Hera-' Annabeth starts, but Nico quickly cuts her off.
'Hey, Hey. As much as I love your hatred for Hera, maybe don't insult her right now? Kind of have enough on our plate?' He says.
'Yeah, besides, what would she gain from this? It seems much more likely that someone needed Leo to forget something.' I say.
'Wait, so I know something important?' Leo asks.
'Maybe.' I say.
'It could explain a lot.' Annabeth agrees, 'probably something to do with Calypso and Apollo, otherwise you'd probably remember them.'
'These are some great theories guys.' Leo says, 'the only problem, and it's a really tiny problem, is that I have no idea what I don't remember.'

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