Part 17

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My first day back in camp feels so good. I know I should probably be worrying about my girlfriend who I don't remember and Apollo, who is apparently human now, but it's hard to care about people you can't remember at all. It just feels so nice to be back with my siblings and friends.
I have breakfast with my siblings, catching up on a lot, but I don't join them for activities. Instead, I head of with Percy to the lake. We obviously talk about Jason.
'I feel like I knew.' I say, 'a little bit. Like, when you told me, I feel like I already knew.'
'Maybe you did. You guys were close. Crazier things have happened.' Percy says. He throws a stone into the water.
'How's Piper?' I ask, sitting down.
'She's coping.' He says, 'she was broken for a while, we all where. But you know how grieving works.'
'I sure do.' I say, 'I didn't think I'd have to grieve him though.'
'It's shit.' He says, 'it's shit. I'm sorry.'
'Yeah, me too.'
'How're you feeling, though? You remembering anything?' He asks.
'No. Nothing. And I really want to remember this Calypso girl.' I say. Percy freezes up a little, 'What?'
'I, uh...knew her a little.' He offers.
'You did? Is she hot?' I ask. He laughs and tosses another stone in the lake.
'She's very pretty. And she's very smart and strong and you're good together.' He says. He talks kindly about her.
'I wish I could remember her, so I could miss her.' He says.
'I can relate.' He says, and I look to him, confused. He sees and explains, 'When Hera got rid of my memory? Remember? I didn't know Annabeth, and I forgot my mum and all my friends. It wasn't great.'
'Oh, of course.' I say, remembering.
We stay in silence for a while.
'So, Nico's boyfriend...?' I start.
'Will?' Percy offers.
'Yeah, Will. I don't think he likes me.' I say.
'Will likes everyone. He's like the nicest person in camp.'
'The nicest person in camp? And he's dating Nico?' I clarify. Percy laughs.
'I know it seems like an odd match, but they actually really suit each other. Nico's never been so happy.' Percy says.
'I know, it's disturbing.' I say. Percy laughs again, shaking his head.
'I'm sure Will likes you.' He says, 'he loves Nico a lot, and he pretty much likes whoever Nico's friends with.'
'Nico hates me too!' I protest, 'Gods, there's no hope. He's going to give me poison and pretend it's medicine.'
'Gods, Leo!' Percy laughs, 'Nico doesn't hate you. You're friends. It's just...neither of you are that great at showing emotion.'
'I'm great at showing emotion!' I protest.
'Okay, fine, then your bad at showing emotion to each other. You're just different people. You can still care about someone and be completely different.' Percy says, 'I'm telling you, he cares.'
'And I'm telling you, Will hates me.' I insist.
'He doesn't hate you.' Percy argues.
'He does.'
'Okay, maybe he does. Just change his mind.' Percy says, 'use some of that classic Leo charisma.'
'Can't you just put in a good word for me?' I ask.
'I'll try.' He says, 'just give him a chance to get to know you a little better, okay?'

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