Part 45

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I've no way to measure time. No day and night, no clocks. I don't get tired and I don't get hungry. But it feels like days and weeks are passing.
I try to walk for hours, but it's like trudging through mud. There's no wall to lean against, no light to get to. I result to lying on the floor and waiting.
Hades comes by every now and then. He doesn't talk, and I don't talk to him, but he checks in on me. I don't know why.
I think of Nico. How destroyed he must feel having been the one to have stabbed me. Even though it's not his fault. I wish I could tell him it wasn't his fault. I wish I could see him.
Time passes again. I don't know how much. I feel like I'm close to going crazy though. I hear footsteps. Not Hades though, faster; lighter. I sit up.
I don't call out. I look around, trying to place whoever it is.
'Will?' I hear. I stand, suddenly.
'Nico.' I say, 'Nico? Where are you?'
He comes out of nowhere. He tackles me into a hug, clutching me tightly. I hold him back. Hold his head, his shoulders. I hear his heartbeat, fast.
'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.' He says, over and over.
'It's okay. It wasn't you. I'm okay.' I say.
'I love you so much.' He says, his hands on my cheeks. He looks up and stares into my eyes. He doesn't look away.
'I love you.' I say back. I kiss him. And then he clutches onto me again.
I don't hear anything, but Nico perks up. He lets go of me and gets out his sword. He's clearly more at home here, more aware of the surroundings.
'Dad.' He says, staring through the darkness. I can't see anything.
'Nice to see you again, Nico.' He says. Nico looks so pointedly ahead it's as though he can see through the dark. Which maybe he can.
'You swore on the river Styx.' Nico says firmly, 'you swore.'
'And I will cross that bridge.' He says, 'I've lived longer than the world has. I'll outlive any curse that comes my way.'
'Let him go.' Nico says. He says it slowly and carefully. He grips his sword tightly, standing in front of me. He holds one arm out to keep me back.
'How direct of you.' He says, 'I admire your...
'Let him go.' He insists again.
'No chance of conversation? No catch up between father and son?' Hades voice echoes around. I watch Nico's shoulder rise and fall slightly quicker. He re adjusts his grip on his sword. His heart beats faster. And then he charges.

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