Part 7

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I try to procrastinate going to sleep for as long as I can. But I've spent so much of the day trying to find new powers from Persephone that I'm too drained to miss a night's sleep.
I work on the chariot long into the night, and only stop when I catch myself falling asleep while installing the wheel.
I manage to stumble back to my room, and into my bed. I borrow Hazel's duvet since Will still has mine, and try to get comfortable.
But I can't sleep. I can't close my eyes. I can't drift off like I usually do, with Will's arms around me, giving me the illusion of complete and utter safety.
I stay awake for most the night, staring at the ceiling, until I physically can't keep my eyes open any longer.
And I wake instantly, in a sweat. At least it seems like I've been asleep for seconds, except the sun is out now, and it's clearly morning. I feel even more tired than when I started.
I make my way to the infirmary, to find Will awake and talking to Kayla.
'Nico!' He says on seeing me, cutting his conversation short, 'you're up early.'
'Couldn't sleep.' I say. It's a simple answer, but I see his face drop.
'How bad was it?' He asks. I shake my head, not wanting to think about it.
'I'm fine.' I lie, 'how're you feeling?'
'Not bad. Kayla just gave me some more pills, so if I drift off on you don't take it personally.'
'I won't. Do you know when you might be allowed out?' I ask, trying to be casual about it, but desperately wanting him back.
'Kayla reckons a couple more days, minimum.'
'Minimum?!' I ask, unable to stop myself, 'I mean. That's fine. If that's what's best for you.'
'Nico, how long did you sleep last night?' He asks.
'A couple hours.' I say. But he just looks at me, waiting for me to correct myself, 'an hour? I don't know.'
'Okay, grab Kayla for me.'
'Will, I'm fine, I promise.' I insist.
'Kayla!' He shouts. She comes by quickly.
'Everything okay?' She asks, looking from me to him.
'No. Nico's having problems sleeping alone.' He explains, as I sit down in the chair, frustrated.
'I'm fine.' I insist again.
'He only slept an hour last night.' Will continues.
'That's not great.' She says, 'but on record it says he doesn't respond well to most the sleeping pills we have here?'
'Yeah, we tried them.' Will says, 'but there's one that works. You know, the one that stops dreams...the pink one.' He yawns, and his eyes start to shut, 'you know.'
'I know the ones.' Kayla says.
'Make sure he...make sure...' he turns over and pulls the duvet closer around him.
'Don't worry about it, I got it.' She says, tucking him in a little, 'Alright Nico, come with me.'

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