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I walked down the stairs at the burrow with a pale face on. This couldn't be happening. We had only just finished the battle of Hogwarts. We were barely standing on our own two feet and I was now pregnant. I have been staying at the burrow just so I wasn't a homeless orphan. My parents betrayed Voldemort and their punishment was death. The Weasleys were like my new family. They were always like my family. The ones that actually loved me and gave two damns about me and not about fame, wealth or blood purity unlike my biological family. According to friends I am the only decent Blossom. The only one they could stand to be in the same room as and honestly I agree

"Are you alright?" Harry asked making me jump

"Y..yeah, I'm fine"

Ginny appeared next to Harry with a loving smile on her face. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then noticed me who was now sat on the stairs.

"Hi Y/N" She smiled

"H..hi Gin" I smiled back. Having known Ginny since we were all very young the Weasleys can instantly tell when something is wrong with me (especially Ron and Ginny). Ginny flew from Harrys side to mine and wrapped her arms around my body

"What's wrong?"

"I've asked her that and she said noth-" Harry began

"Shut it Harry" Ginny interrupted and held up a finger, shushing him, "Y/N. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Have you seen Ron?" I asked

"He's outside. Why?"

"I need to talk to him and then I will tell you. I promise" I said and then ran out of the door. I found Ron and Arthur stood there talking as they watched George and Charlie chasing eachother around on their brooms. I took Ron by the hand and pulled him closer to me with a 'we need to talk' look on my face

"Hi beautiful" he chuckled and gave me a kiss

"Hi Y/N" Arthur said

"Hi Arthur. Do you mind if I talk to Ron..alone for a second"

"He's all yours" Arthur chuckled, winked at Ron and then left

"You're scaring me beautiful. What's wrong?"

"The other know"

He might be my boyfriend of just nearing two years and one of my best friends but talking about sex was still a new and awkward thing for me to do

"You are going to have to be more specific"

"Saturday, after George and Angelinas engagement party" I explained

"Oh, I remember" He chuckled, moved me in closer by wrapping his arm around me and leaning his head against mine. I smiled, knowing that what I was about to tell him wouldn't upset him, that it wouldn't hurt him. That he would be supportive, excited and happy

"Well somehow, something happened and.."

"And what?"

"And I am now pregnant"

"What?" He exclaimed and then fell silent. Maybe I was wrong. He suddenly picked me up and span me around as tears formed in both our eyes. As he placed me on the floor we locked lips. The funniest thing was once we pulled away, I think the fact he was going to be a dad hit him and he fainted. It wasn't long before everyone staying at the Burrow was surrounding us

"What happened darling?" Molly asked as she bent down on the other side of Ron

"I told him something and he fainted"

We all chuckled. Ron soon sat up

"Go careful mate. You fainted" Harry said

"Is it true. What you told me?" He asked me not even taking notice of everyone else

"Yes" I said. He placed a hand on my cheek and kissed me passionately

"I am so confused" Ginny said. Harry helped up Ron who then pulled me into a hug.

"Will one of you tell us what is going on and why Ron fainted"

"What's the point in hiding it" Ron laughed and raised an eyebrow

"Well go on then..I'm not saying"

"But..fine. We know we're young but Y/N is expecting. We are expecting"

It was silent then suddenly Molly screamed and everyone started to congratulate us

"You're not pranking us because if you are this is one cruel prank" George said while hugging us both

"It's not. You're drinking best friend is actually pregnant"

"Hey! I don't drink that much" I complained and hit Rons chest before being pulled into the tightest hug I have ever been given

"I'm going to have a grand-baby" Molly squealed while squeezing the air out of me

"Let her breathe Molly" Arthur chuckled as he pulled her off my body gently

"Is this what you were going to tell me after you told Ron?" Ginny squealed

"Surprise" I exclaimed and hugged her tightly . "You better not be the aunt that constantly gives the baby sweets?"

"I am not making any promises but also that sounds more like an uncles or dads job to be honest" she laughed as we pulled out from the hug.

"He better not" I scowled and eyed Ron who threw his hands jokingly up like he was surrendering. We continued to receive hugs from everyone and they all congratulated us once again. After a while they all went back to what they had been doing previously but with a glint of excitement. Ron pulled me in closer and our cheeks pressed against eachothers. I watched as Hermione and Molly fixed up the garden. Harry, Ginny and Arthur cleaned the kitchen and began to prepare the table for dinner with the help of Bill and Percy. And finally Charlie and George who were (as usual) just begin idiots. The only thing missing was the infectious, warming and most recognisable laugh ever. And that was Freds laugh

"I love you Y/N" Ron said with a glint in his eyes as we gazed into each others

"I love you too"

"And I love our little one" He said while bending down so that he was eye level with my stomach. He gave it a quick kiss, making me giggle. This baby was sure to be one of the most loved babies ever. More loved then I have ever been and every been treated like.

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now