Sirius-head girl

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"Good morning Professor McGonagall." I greeted with a huge grin as she walked past me in the library. I straightened my posture amd made myself look really posh and very professional. Merlin was this head girl duty taking a toll on me.

I kept glancing over to her as she walzted towards a group of four boys and two girls who weren't sitting that far away from me. I could help but eavesdrop on the conversation even though I didn't get much from it.

"And you four..I hope to be seeing you in detention later today. Don't think us professors didn't see through those booby traps you had set up all throughout the teachers lounge" she scolded, glaring at the boys from over the top of her glasses. "How you got in there I shall not ask but I just wanted to remind you that you have detention"

"Professor if I may!" I interrupted. She turned to face me with a slightly confused look. "Those four boys need to help me with something that is quite important later tonight so is there any possibility that you move their detention to tomorrow or maybe Thursday at the latest?" My tone had never sounded so regal

"I suppose so Ms. Y/L/N" she said after a moment of thought. She gave me a smile.

"Thank you so much Professor"

She began walking away after telling the boys their detention was now on the upcoming Thursday. I turned back to my work only to be stopped by those same boys, sitting around me

"What is it we shall be helping you with this evening Ma'Lady?" One with long black hair asked, mocking my regal tone

"You shouldn't mock me you know" I said, looking up at him with my eyebrows raised

"And why's that?" One with glasses and short hair asked

"I did just get your detention moved. You should really be thanking me"

"We still have detention though" one who was short and round pointed out

"Yes well you boys are the ones who decided that booby trapping the teachers lounge was the perfect idea for a prank. I can't exactly magic your detention away now can I?" I asled, my tone still posh but also a little bit sassy

"you are a witch" the one with long black said, raising his eyebrows and smirking in a flirty way that made me slightly uncomfortable but which also made me melt on the inside.

"Don't test me boys because I can always get your detention moved back to tonight" I said, packing my essay away and standing. "And I could also get it doubled"

"What's your name and how do you have that authority" One asked as I began to walk away. I looked back at them and smiled, walking back towards them with a hand outstretched for them to shake

"Y/N and I just so happen to be head girl" I sassed as they all shook my hand hesitantly. "What about you four. Do you have names that you wish to share with me or am I just going to have to keep referring to you are the one with glasses, the one with long black hair get the picture"

"I am James Potter" the one with glasses said, smirking

"Remus Lupin" the one who had asled me what my name is said, shaking my hand again

"P-peter Pettigrew" the short and round one stutterd like he was intimidated by me

"Black..Sirius Black" the one with long black hair said, taking my hand again. Instead of shaking it like I thought he was going to do, he kissed it gently

"Don't get use to this boys"

"Use to what" Sirius asked

"Use to me getting you boys out of detentions"

"Who said we would?" James asked, smirking

"I like you boys. You seem like the type who like getting in trouble so I wil be hanging around with you four and I don't care what you guys say"

I winked at them as I turned on my heel and walked away with a sassy strut

"Y/N help me" Sirius begged, jumping up and down like a toddler. I looked up from my book and smiled

"No Sirius. You got yourself detention so you need to deal with it"


"And besides, I got you out of detention last week and we don't want the other three thinking that I am playing favourites do we?"

"Oh but you know that I am your favourite" Sirius chuckled, sitting down next to me and placing an arm around me. I smiled again and placed my book on the table.

"Of course you are my favourite I wasn't really trying to hide it, but that still doesn't mean I am going to get you out of detention" I said, placing a hand on his cheek. He sighed and flashed his sweet puppy dog eyes at me. "Sirius stop that!" I warned but he didn't listen

"Stop what?" He said in a baby voice

"Stop giving me those puppy dog eyes"

"What puppy dog eyes?" His tone was just getting cuter

"I swear on Merlins beard if you don't stop those puppy dog eyes then I am never getting you out of a detention ever again"

The puppy dog eyes immediately vanished and a cute but also slightly angry pout replaced them. This boy wasn't going to stop. I removed my hand from his cheek and grabbed my book back off the table, all while trying to hide a chuckle. Sirius heard and immediately stood, towering over me and looking down at me

"What are you chuckling about Y/N?" He asked, grabbing the book from my hand and holding it up into the air. I jumped from the couch and tried my very best to grab the book from his hand but he's just too tall. "I shall give thee thine book back-," that's a great start. "once you tell me what you were chuckling at. So either spit it out or keep trying to get the book back"

"Y-you" I whispered, the laugh slipping

"Say that again Y/N..and louder"

"You" I laughed. "I was chuckling at you and your puppy dog eyes and the fact you turn into the biggest toddler in the world whenever I say I won't get you out of detention. It's adorable Sirius...y-your adorable"

"I am?" He asked, handing me my book back and smiling. This was rare for Sirius. Usually it was only just a smirk, but never a smile.

"Y-yeah." I whispered, leaning in. "you're adorable Sirius"

He slithered an arm around my waist and pulled me in, closing the gap. He lifted me from the ground causing me to drop the book as I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist. We broke the kiss and I bit my lip, unstraddling his waist and slowly being placed back onto the ground by Sirius

"Does that get me out of detention?" He whispered with his usual smirk

"..nope" I smiled, grabbing my book from the floor and strutting out of the common room while sending him a flirty wink

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now