Harry-they meet again

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I calmly walked along the corridors of St. Mungos, occasionally checking in on my patients or showing someone where a room was. It was a quiet day today but I wasn't hoping that it would be like that the entire time because you never know who or what will come through those doors at any moment. You could get someone who has a cut from some sort of spell or you could get someone who is hanging onto life. You just never know.

"Healer Malfoy, you have a new patient. They are sitting in your room right now" My assistant said, catching up with me. I thanked her and walked to my room.

"Good afternoon. I'm Healer Malfoy and-" I began but trailed off as I walked in and looked up from my notes to see Harry Potter sitting in my room with some cuts, bruises and a bloody nose. "P-Potter" I stutterd

"Malfoy" he said back, looking up at me with pure shock in his eyes. I took a big gulp before continuing. The tension was so high that it felt as if you could cut it with a knife. "So a Healer. I didn't expect you to go into this profession after Hogwarts" He chuckled

"What did you expect me to do? Sit around in Malfoy Manor doing nothing?" I asked, scanning his cuts to see which was the worst


I raised my eyebrows sarcastically and scoffed. I began cleaning his cuts and every now and again he would flinch from pain. Our faces were so close. I could feel his breath against mine

"If you would hold still then it wouldn't hurt as much" I said after he had flinched again. He chuckled and closed his eyes. "So, an auror huh" I said, trying to start a conversation


"I'm not surprised to be honest"

"How come?" He asked, looking me in the eyes

"Running around playing the hero. Always covered in bruises and blood. You haven't changed at all Potter" I chuckled, looking at him and blushing once I realised his eyes kept flickering down to my lips and my eyes kept flickering down to his

"You have" he whispered, "c-changed I mean. You've changed." He looked back into my eyes and slightly smiled

"I'm trying. I didn't like the person I was back in Hogwarts. A bitter and mean bully who walked around the halls with her posse liked she owned the place. The queen bee who ran to her parents if something didn't go her way. That's how everyone viewed me, especially the Gryfinndors and especially you, Weasley and Granger" I chuckled.

I always felt weird whenever I looked back at those time at Hogwarts. The way I would strut around the halls with Blasie, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle behind me, following me like we were a group of ants. I still blame myself for what happened with Buckbeak and everything after that.

I snapped from my sad little daze and continued to fix his cuts in complete silence, using magic for some of the bigger ones. My eyes kept locking with his and I kept noticing that I had been letting them trail down to his lips for a spilt second or two making me kick myself.

"There you go. You're all fixed up" I said, running my hand down the side of his face as my thumb ran over a few of his cuts. I pulled it away knowing how unprofessional it was to flirt with a patient and even worse it was Potter. I shouldn't be flirting with Potter.

"Thanks Malfoy" he said as he gathered his things and began to leave my room, "You really have changed Y/N"

"T-Thanks" I stutterd, turning my eyes down to my notepad and away from him. I sighed the second I heard my door shut and felt relieved with myself but also disappointed in myself. I just flirted with Potter

"You again Potter" I joked, walking into my room and seeing Harry once again all blooded up. "Either you are purposely getting hurt so that you can come and see someone, this just happens in your free time or you aren't a very good auror."

He smirked and let out a chuckle as he raised his eyebrows slightly. I scoffed and rolled my eyes

"God I hate Gryfinndors"

"Hey!" He exclaimed with a stiff laugh. It was still a little awkward between the two of us but he seemed to be coming in here at least twice a month. "I heard your in line for a promotion"

"Really? From who?" I asked as I began the examination. A broken nose, bruises, a swollen and bleeding lip and cuts, the usual and nothing incredibly hard to fix

"Ron actually. He and Hermione were here the other day and they overheard some people talking about it"

"Guessing those two tied the knot then" I said

"Yeah and they have their first child on the way"

"Tell them I congratulate them, even though they might not want it" I said. "Honestly Potter if you continue like this then there is going to be nothing left to you"

"Wouldn't be the first time I've heard that"

I finished fixing him up and once again ended with my hand resting on the side of his face gently. Unexpectedly he moved his face towards mine slightly. I got the sudden impulse to start leaning into a kiss

"We shouldn't do this" I whispered

"We definitely shouldn't do this" he whispered back and then closed the gap between us. His lips were soft and warm. I knew it was wrong to be kissing one of my patients but I didn't want to stop. In one kiss I felt years of built up feelings like anger, jealousy, happiness, confusion, passion and a little bit of love. I didn't think one kiss with Harry could make me feel so many different but stong emotions

I pulled away as the realisation hit me. I had just kissed Harry Potter. The one person I thought I hated throughout my entire time at Hogwarts and even a little after that. I had just kissed him and I had..enjoyed it?

"I'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have done that" he apologised and began to gather his things. I placed my hand onto his to stop him from pulling his coat from the back of the chair

"H-Harry. You don't need to apologise" I said, standing up and moving closer. "I-I was taken back obviously but I actually enjoyed it. Don't apologise"

He let a small smile slip before kissing me again. I smiled into the kiss and melted into his arms, allowing all those feelings his kisses brought to flood my entire body and take over. That's one way to make up with an old enemy. By kissing them

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now