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"Calm down Y/N, you will be fine. Hogwarts is a wonderful school and I am sure that you will make friends very quickly"

"Dad, it took almost a year and a half for me to pluck up the courage to make friends at Ilvermorny. What makes you think Hogwarts will be any different?"

"You're daughter is right Cornelius. Are you sure we shouldn't just wait until the new term"

"The more we wait and keep her at home Anita, the more she becomes socially awkward and isolates herself"

"Mum, Dad I am not deaf. I heard every word of that but I do think that dad is right. I need to get out there and become more confident otherwise I will never make proper friends. If there even is anything called a proper friend because all of my other 'friends' have just been fakes"

"Darling don't you think that you should just start at the beginning of the Christmas term? Then you will be getting on the Hogwarts express and you can make friends that way"

"Mum, I am a quiet, nerdy and shy girl. I am socially awkward and both my parents didn't think I had magic at first. I loose things quicker then you can say the word Hogwarts and my memory is as bad as a chimpanzee, they forgot things within about 20 seconds. I'm easy to take advantage of and definitely a target for bullies but if I can find a group of real friends then hopefully they will stick up for me. The quicker I get there, the quicker I find out who are the right people to be friends with and who I should avoid"

"But Y/N-"

"But nothing mum. I'm growing up. I might be the abandoned daughter of death eaters who are currently sitting in azkaban but that doesn't mean I am like them. I have a voice of my own and I am going to start making my own choices"

"I remember when you first came to Cornelius and I. Your hair in little pigtails and your tiny stuffed rabbit whose hand was all crinkled because you would suck on it at night or if you were upset. You would suck your thumb when happy and pull at your ear lobe when nervous"

"She still pulls at her ear lobe now"

"No I don't"

"You did when you went to summer camp last year"

"And whenever you took a test at Ilvermorny"

"But that was then. I don't do it now"

"We caught you doing it the other day when we told you that we needed to talk"

"That's only because I thought my parents had escaped and were after me"

"We would protect you with all out might my darling"

My mum kissed the top of my head before walking into the kitchen and beginning to make us some dinner.

"I knew you would back me up with the idea of sending you to Hogwarts now"

"I have a task to perform Dad and being there is a part of it. It is vital I get there as soon as possible and that I am sorted into Gryfinndor. Even since Voldemort returned he has been ruling over the wizarding world and-"

"Come you two. I need help preparing" my mother chirped and poked her jead into the living room


"GRYFINNDOR!" The sorting hat yelled before it was even placed onto my head. No student knew who my parents were so there were no negative reactions when they walked in for breakfast and found me sat there. Immediately people began asking questions about why I had joined so late and what it was like at Ilvermorny, not allowing me to tell them my name or how old I was. That was until a boy with dark brown/blackish hair and green eyes sat down next to me

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now