Harry-they meet again part two

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I jumped as the door to our flat slammed shut and Harry walked into the kitchen with a slightly clenched jaw and clenched fists. He began pacing up and down on the kitchen floor, muttering something to himself over and over again

"Good evening to you too" I said sarcastically, closing the book I was reading. "How was work?"

"G-Good" Harry said through slightly gritted teeth

"You know that be a lot easier for me to believe if you weren't pacing back and forth, grinding your teeth together and with you fists clenched" I spat a little, my sarcasm and my Slytherin side crossing. He stopped and looked at me. I saw his lip quivering slightly. "Sit down Harry and tell me what's wrong."

He did so and I soon noticed he had tears forming in his eyes. This was one sight that pained me to see. I hated seeing him cry

"I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like on every mission I'm given, I see and hear things that aren't normal. Things that I shouldn't." He said, breaking down. "Sometimes it gets so overwhelming and I feel like I can't breathe or move. Like I'm trapped."

"Harry" I said, my tone comforting. I reached across the table and held his hand. "Why did you become an auror in the first place?"

"I-it's the only thing I could see myself doing. The only thing I could see myself being useful in"

"Maybe you should take another look" I said. He looked at me with a look of confusion and sadness but also happiness and love. "The war is over. There is no reason for you to fight anymore. There's no reason for you to have to try and save the day all the time"

"But I feel like I need to. So many died for me. My parents, Cedric, Sirius, Dumbledore, Fred, Tonks and Remus"

"Harry listen to me. Your parents died protecting you. The same with Sirius. Fred, Tonks and Lupin they all died protecting the wizarding world ok so don't blame yourself for those tragic deaths because they weren't your fault. You didn't kill them, Voldemort and his followers did"

"When did you become so good at comforting people love?" He asked, taking my hand and pulling me from the chair I was sat in, onto his lap. I shrugged and placed a few small kisses onto his lips

"Promise me one thing Harry Potter" I said and he looked at me curiously. "Promise me that you will at least think about looking for another job. According to Blaises daughter the job as defence against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts is opening up. You'd fit that quite perfectly I think"

"I promise" he said, hugging me close. I straddled my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt him twirling my long, platinum blonde hair which sat in a high ponytail ready for my long night at work which was approaching quickly. He loved doing this while we cuddled and I loved running my hands through his hair, stealing his jumpers because what girl doesn't love her boyfriends baggy jumpers and tracing his lightning bolt scar. He stopped twirling my hair and began walking his fingers up and down my back, sending shivers up my spine.

"I love you" I whispered, kissing under his ear ever so softy

"I love you too"

'Don't move, there's a lion next to you' I whispered as I wrote the same quote on a spare piece of paper that I had found in my jacket and I stared at Harry who was still asleep. He turned over and I watched as his eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light

"Y/N?" He groggily asked, reaching for his glasses which sat on his bedside table before turning to face me again with his head propped up by his hand

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I whispered, looking down a little

"What time is it?"

"6 am. I've just got home"

"Those bloody night shifts. I hate sleeping without you cuddling up with me"

"Bloody?" I chuckled, raising my eyebrows, "are you turning into Weasley now?"

"No" he pouted, twirling my hair

"Guessing he stayed here last night then" I said, turning from my stomach to my back and tracing his lighting bolt with my thumb while gently playing with his messy bed head

"Most of it yeah."

"What'd she kick him out for this time?" I asked, referring to Hermione

"Breathing too loud" he smirked

"You know, I can't say I don't know what she means" I teased, "so she hasn't had the baby yet?" I was changing the subject slightly

"Not yet" Harry sighed, turning onto his back and staring up at the ceiling, "I can't tell if she was moodier with Rose or is moodier with this one"

"Hey! Don't judge a girl and her hormones. We can't control them" I scolded, flirtatiously. I glaced at the small clock that sat on my bedside table and sighed. "Well you better get up and ready for class, Professor"

"Y/N.." He warned

"What? Do you not like when I call you professor" I chuckled and began teasing him

"Professor makes me sound old" he said, pulling at my hand slightly. I immediately knew what this ment and sighed before nodding and stretching my arms out. He wriggled over to me, still under the covers and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his head into my stomach lightly.

He liked when I was the one giving the cuddles, especially in the mornings after one of my long night shifts. That's only because then he can get out of bed without waking me up any other time, he's the big spoon

"The thing is, scarhead, you are getting old" I joked, kissing his head

"We're the same age Y/N. So if I'm getting old then so are you"

"I'm the pretty one though"

He nodded and I was soon starting to fall asleep, the coffee slowly wearing away. I flet the arms that had been hugging my stomach lightly slip from around in and with the help from Harry, I got under the covers. It wasn't long before my eyes were fully closed and my body was preparing itself for some sleep. I could hear Harry trying his hardest too cook himself breakfast and get dressed quietly. He wasn't very good at it.

"I love you Y/N" he whispered, slipping out of our bedroom door as his day of work began

"I love you too" I whispered, my voice unable to be heard because I was so tired. A few minutes later and not even a blood curdling scream could have woken me up

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