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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva
"Ah would you look who it is" Draco Malfoy smirked as he and his goons walked my way in the halls. "How's your father doing..oh wait he's dead. How could I forget?"

"H-how did you find out" I asked. He and his goons ignored my question and  exchanged evil glares before one forcefully took my books from my arms and began destroying them while another pushed me to the ground. Draco towered over me with an evil smirk

"I guessing you've been to see your fathers grave then" he asked. I gulped and closed my eyes, memories of the night my father was killed flooding my mind

"NO!" My mother screamed as a spell went towards my father. She blocked it from hitting him and managed to block a few more before she was hit but the spell stupefy.

I quietly squealed in terror as the death eater with long platinum blonde hair sent a spell towards my father. I heard a loud but broken scream before dead silence. I opened my bedroom door at the slightest and peered out to see both my mother and my father laying on the floor

"M-mum..D-dad?" I asked, walking out of my room and kneeling down in between my parents. There was no movement from my father. Nothing. I examined his body a little more before it hit me and I let out what I believe was the loudest, most deafening scream to have ever been heard

My wizarding neighbours soon ran into my house, busting the door down in the process and what their eyes fell one was me in the middle of my parents, one dead, one stunned. Before they could usher me away from my parents I fell dizzy and closed my eyes, passing out next to my parents quickly after

[flashback over]

"Are you listening to me!" Draco snapped. I opened my eyes and looked at him as tears trickled down my face. Draco saw this and began to tease me about it before someone stopped him

"Leave her alone Malfoy" A voice said. I looked up and saw a redhead boy, bushy haired girl and a black haired boy with circle glasses standing between Draco and I like they were protecting me. It took a while before my now destroyed books were thrown to the floor and Draco and his goons had walked off, muttering something about my fathers death as they did.

The three children who had stuck up for me turned and the black haired boy extended a hand while the redhead boy and the bushy haired girl picked up my books.

"T-thank you" I stutterd, dusting off a bit of dirt my robes. I looked into the boys green eyes and then thanked the other two as they handed me my books with sad smiles. They started walking and beckoned me to join them which I did with a happy smile. "You're Harry Potter aren't you?" I questioned. The black haired boy with glasses smiled and nodded

"Yeah, I am" he said

"That makes you two Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger" I sighed, looking at the two other eleven year olds who exchanged looks and then nodded at me. "I'm Y/N Rose"

"Rose?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows. I nodded. "So your mum is Brooke Rose, the half veela?"

"That's correct"

"Which makes you one-eighth veela then?" Hermione asked

"Again, that's correct"

"Cool" Ron exclaimed. I laughed quietly and then we all picked up our pace into a run and raced back to the common room while laughing

"Y/N" Harry said when he spotted me reading in the common room. I marked my place in the book before looking at him. Merlin was he just getting even more handsome as we got older..besides our fourth year. The memory of his and Rons long hair still makes me laugh

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now