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*Requested by one of my friends*

I hugged my parents goodbye before I stepped onto the Hogwarts express. It was my fourth year however it all felt different after Cedric diggorys death last year. It was also going to be my last year at Hogwarts since my family was moving back to America next summer and I was to be dragged along with them

"Hi Y/N" Ginny said as I walked into the compartment she and the twins were in

"Hello there you three. How are you guys?"

"We're great" Fred chuckled with a cheeky smile on his face

"I'm good" Ginny said, the smile on her face growing. "What about you?"

"I could be doing better. Over the summer my parents told me that we are moving next summer"

"What!" The twins chorused

"Yeah, back to America"

"No, I won't allow it. We won't allow it" Ginny protested

"Gin, I have no idea what you are going to do. My parents, my family won't listen to you"

I sat down next to her and pulled out some toffees. I handed three to each person, leaving me with none

"Take ours, Y/N. We are going to find Lee Jorden to make up even more pranking sweets" George said while placing a hand out in order to hand over his toffees

"No, I gave them to you so you keep them and its not like you will be eating these sweets on the train"

Fred and George chuckled before leaving the compartment. I turned to Ginny and we jumped into a deep conversation almost immediately

"I did intend to write over the summer however Ron and Percy were hogging the owl, Ron was constantly writing to Harry and Hermione and Percy constantly writing to Merlin knows who"

"I fully intended to write to you as well Ginny but then my parents sprang this entire moving thing on me and I got very carried away with it"

We continued the conversation until we had reached Hogwarts

"Time for another, exhausting, year at Hogwarts Ginny"

"You're right about that"


"Only a few months left before I am torn away from you guys forever" I said, dramatically as we walked through the portrait hole and into the common room

"I have never met someone who is as dramatic as you are Y/N"

"Ginerva Weasley, you have Ron as an older brother. He is one of most dramatic people that you can get and then there is also Draco Malfoy. He is as dramatic as you get..what are you three laughing at?"


"Harry, is that lipstick around your lips? Oh my god, Harry Potter has freakin kissed someone. Who was it?" I asked. "Wait, let me guess." I took a moment to think before saying, "it was Cho Chang wasn't it"

"Smartass" Ron and Harry mumbled while exchanging looks

"I saw the way he pined after her last year and the little looks given to each other in the D.A meetings. I'm not oblivious unlike you lot"

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now