Draco-don't lose your Lily

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'Nobody is as cute as you'
'Y/N is MY girlfriend everybody'
'You would never leave me would you'
'I would kill every human on earth if it meant spending the rest of my life with you'
'Can we get married yet?'
'No, we are still only fifteen Draco. We are too young"
'You're so perfect Y/N"
'I love you more then anything in this entire world'
'You're my everything love'
'Hi gorgeous'
'Can we get married now?'
'We are still only fifteen'
'Nobody is as beautiful or as perfect as you are'

These were normal phrases and sentences that I would tell her everyday. I usually loved hearing her say her snarky but cute comments back but it was going to be a while before I would get anything back from her. She had taken a long period of torturing from Umbridge and then she had taken a bludger to the head. She was out cold and had been for weeks. I didn't know when she was going to wake up or when I was going to be able to have another real conversation with her.

I would sit by her bed in the hospital wing for hours upon hours after school just holding her hand while I would speak to her quietly and gaze at her beautiful features. Madam Pomfrey didn't bother trying to kick me out most of the times. The only times I wasn't in there were when Potter, Granger and Weasley were there and when Madam Pomfrey forces me to go to classes and forces me to go eat.

"I miss you gorgeous" I whispered and twirled a strand of her hair around my finger gently and kissed her forehead gently

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?" I heard Potter spit behind me. I stopped with twirling Y/N's hair and turned. The two boys began slightly chuckling when they noticed my tired, puffy, bloodshot eyes that made it look as if I had been crying which I had but only a little

"I'm visiting my girlfriend. What are you three doing here" I hesitantly snapped knowing how much Harry and I arguing annoyed and upset Y/N

"Visiting our best friend" Granger said, sitting on the other side of Y/N's bed and moving some of Y/N's hair out of the way

"How long have you actually known her?"

"About four years. She's the sweetest Slytherin there is and there is no need to ask you that question simce you are always bragging about how long you have known her and how long you have been together" Ron spat just like Harry had

"Jealous Weasel?" I said, standing up in defence and sassily crossing my arm

"You wish Malfoy"

The three of us boys began to argue until it was stopped when Madam Pomfrey stormed us with a scowl on her face just. Harry and Ron stopped immediately and looked down at the ground with sheepish frowns on their faces where as I stood there with a proud but slightly cocky grin on mine

"Mr Weasley, Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy, this is the hospital wing so either shut it and respect the other students, especially Ms. Blossom or get out of here and continue with this petty argument outside. Now choose one!" She yelled. I looked at the two boys before gathering my things, kissing Y/N one last time and with a comment as quiet as a whisper, I left

"Mr Malfoy?" someone snarled behind me. I turned and my eyes fell on Professor Snape. "How is she doing? It's been over a month now hasn't it?"

"Just over a month, yeah and she is getting stronger every day. Madam Pomfrey suspects that it will only be a few more weeks until she is talking and fully awake." I explained. He took a few steps closer and placed a hand on my shoulder as I turned back to Y/N. She's gorgeous even when she has been knocked out and is fully unconscious

"Draco, listen to me" Snape whispered, sitting on the bed just by Y/N's legs. "Keep talking to her because that should help her wake up faster and when she does wake up for the first couple of days try and keep her away from Harry I overheard him tell Weasley and Granger he liked Y/N. Don't lose your Lily to a Potter the way I did"

"I won't professor. I promise"

I glaced back at Y/N as Professor Snape got up and left the room. It was only me and the girl I love more then anything in the entire world. I looked at her features and smiled. Everytime I would look at her, my heart would grew more and more and soon enough I was going to explode with love

"I love you Y/N" I whispered, kissing her cheek soon after

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